Michael H. Mitias

Death, Family, and Love

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the universe. Nothing endures, everything that comes into being will pass out of being! They rise by the power of love, that is, by the constructive power of human nature. But ask yourself, Dr. Athenaion, why is it that none of these civilizations, empires, and cultures continue to rise and continue to move to the highest point of perfection? This question may seem rhetorical. Nevertheless, I shall answer it for you. They do not endure, and they do not reach their point of perfection because, like a cancerous worm, the power of hate, of destruction, has been continually plotting and slowly undermining the accomplishments of the constructive power of love. Hate will never allow love to enjoy a moment of total victory. My uncle, the master of hate and destruction, was right when he said that nothing remains the same and that everything passes away except the ever-continuing process of change. But if nothing remains the same and everything is gradually moving into the abyss of nothing, then it should be easy to acknowledge that the power of hate and destruction is greater than the power of love and construction.”

      “On the contrary,” Dr. Athenaion intervened, “this line of reasoning, as well as the examples you have provided, come from the mouth of a sophist. Your eyes can see the tree but not the forest. However, you cannot know or understand the tree if you do not know or understand the forest, and you cannot understand the forest as a whole unless you first understand who created it and why it was created. We understand an object only when we comprehend its cause or source. You seem to overlook a fundamental fact—”

      “A fundamental fact?” Mowt interrupted, surprised.

      “Yes, the fact that you, your uncle, and the universe are creatures—created beings! Love is the supreme creative power; it is the ultimate power of creation and the source of everything that exists. Any act of creation that aims at the good is an act of love, and the creation of the universe is the greatest act of love. Although the objects that make up the structure of the universe are continually changing, the universe endures. Its endurance reflects the triumph of love over hate, construction over destruction. Hate always lurks in the shadow of love, waiting to wreak havoc. Next, contrary to what you claim, although cultures, empires, and civilizations rise and fall, they do not only endure in the succeeding cultures, empires, and civilizations, they also inspire and, in fact, energize them to reach higher levels of perfection.

      “A little while ago, you asked if I lifted my eyes toward The One. Now I ask, have you lifted your eyes toward The One? Again, have you asked yourself why you exist? But more importantly, have you noticed that you are a creature, which means that you are a created being, that you are an integral aspect of the universe, and that you exist as a part of the overall plan of the cosmic process? Although the objects comprising the fabric of the universe, be they atoms or mega galaxies, are continually changing, that is, continually coming into being and passing out of being, as I have just pointed out, the universe endures because it is an emanation of The One which you do not seem to comprehend. The One is the source of all being. It is an eternal and infinite source of being. It is the source of change as well as endurance. Have you asked yourself not only why The One created the universe, but why he created a universe that changes? Next, contrary to what you claim, although cultures, empires, and civilizations pass away, humanity in all its manifestations wings its way from the preceding cultures, empires, and civilizations like the fiery proverbial phoenix. I do not exaggerate when I say that the history of human civilization is a history of continual progress. Neither you nor anyone can deny this fact.”

      “Why do you and every object that exists pass away?”

      “Because there is only one infinite, absolute being, The One. The universe and every object that emanates from it is finite. While the infinite is infinite in its creation and endures, the objects that emanate from it are necessarily temporal. Change is an essential aspect of finite beings. No one can change this aspect of their existence and destiny. You think and work on the assumption that passing out of existence, which your uncle calls perishing and which you call death, is evil, and you perpetrated this falsehood among people rather effectively. Have you perpetrated this falsehood as a means of manipulation, of inclining people to fear you and to obey you? As the creator of this amazing universe, The One is not only absolute in its creative power but also in its wisdom.” Mowt was frowning, and his lips pursed when Dr. Athenaion made her last remarks.

      “I understand your assertion that finite objects change, and that change is their essential aspect, but why do they change?” This question reached Dr. Athenaion as a challenge.

      “You seem to ask the same question in different ways. The One ordained that change and perishing are the destiny of finite beings. It is obvious that you inflate the value of change and perishing unnecessarily. Does this reflect a selfish, and perhaps a narcissistic attitude? You remind me of the solipsist who is locked up in his minuscule self, sees the outside world with his minuscule eyes, and understands it with his minuscule mind. Unfortunately, your mind is not equipped with the power to get out of your minuscule self and experience and understand it from the standpoint of The One, from the standpoint of a human being who had a direct encounter with the Infinite One!”

      “You give me the impression that you have spoken with him.” The guest retorted sardonically.

      “First, he is The Infinite. Therefore, he is not a kind of object. The category of ‘object’ does not apply to him. Accordingly, no one can speak with or about him. Second, although he is unspeakable, we can have an audience, and some would say an encounter with him. This kind of audience is possible in and through an experience of his emanation, which is the universe. I have a feeling that your logic is not as significant as you claim it to be.”

      “Arrogance is not one of your character traits, Dr. Athenaion!”

      “Speaking the truth, so far as one comprehends it, is a radiant instance of modesty.”

      “I am beginning to change my opinion of you, Dr. Athenaion.”

      “Your opinion may be valuable to you, and you may esteem it highly, but am indifferent to it. I strongly feel that I have tolerated your intrusion, your impertinence, and your sophistry beyond the limits of courtesy. May I please ask you to—-”

      “Not so fast, Dr. Athenaion! This is not our only visit.”

      “I am afraid it is.”

      “It cannot be! I am on a mission, and I intend to complete it.”

      “What is your mission?”

      “To make sure that you abandon your work regarding the possibility of transforming contemporary society into a human community governed by technocrats. It is my plan to obstruct the development of this project. Any plan or project that fosters the progress of human ideals is a work of the God of Love. I loathe this god, and I loathe everything that comes from his heart and mind.” Dr. Athenaion burst out laughing when she heard Mowt’s intention.

      “You are wasting my time. I advise you to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.”

      “You must be mad!”

      “What you say is ridiculous, to say the least,” Dr. Athenaion said. And yet, an irresistible impulse inclined her to stare into his eyes. Her earlier question of who this creature is returned with compelling intensity. She felt a strong urge to know the identity of this unusual, inscrutable, yet seemingly real, human being. She could not suppress this impulse.

      “Who are you?” she asked involuntarily.

      “I am Mowt, the God of Death!” Dr. Athenaion pierced another sharp look into his eyes. He was real, and yet he was behaving as if he were a supernatural force. She was perplexed, not only because her curiosity intensified, not only because a streak of fear rocked the composure of her mind and heart, but especially because this extraordinary encounter was becoming a kind of nightmarish phenomenon. Without knowing how or why the idea that he was a supernatural force permeated her mind. This flicker of consciousness sent a shudder through every fiber of her being. “Oh, no, impossible!” she thought in the privacy of her mind. “We are in the twenty-first century, in the age of reason!”

      “I shall not abandon my work on my project. Never! Neither you nor any other human