Darren M. Slade

The Logic of Intersubjectivity

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It is no surprise, then, that McLaren is reminded of Kierkegaard in relation to social justice issues, “I’m reminded that Soren Kierkegaard said, ‘The essence of all true preaching is malice,’ by which he meant that unless the preacher is mad about something, he has no passion.”120 From here, it becomes evident just how Percy and Kierkegaard prepared McLaren for his later nonconventional ministry.

      2.2.3 Formative Vocational-Ministerial Experiences The Public Theology of Iconoclasm

      2.2.4 Formative Spiritual Experiences

      One day at a youth retreat, McLaren prayed, “Before I die, please allow me to see the most beautiful sights in the world, and hear the most beautiful sounds in the world, and feel the most beautiful experiences in the world” (cf. §5.3.2). That night, while observing the majesty of the night sky, McLaren had an unforgettable, life-transforming experience of pure joy. He could feel the Creator of the universe watching him, causing an indescribable and uncontainable feeling of love that let him know God was paying attention. He began to laugh and then to cry until his stomach ached. Soon afterwards, McLaren heard other boys and girls on the retreat saying how much they loved each other. It was then that he realized God answered his prayer:

      I had seen the most beautiful thing on earth—the glory of God shining through creation . . . And I had heard the most beautiful thing in life—human beings telling other human beings that they love one another. And I had felt the most beautiful feeling in life—to be loved, really loved, by a God who knows me—my secrets, my faults, my doubts, my wrongs, my shame, along with my strengths and dreams and hopes and gifts—simply to be known and loved.

      The fact remains that it is twenty-five years later, and I am still on that same path, learning to open my heart in new ways, savoring the same beauty, desiring that same spirit (or Spirit) of joy and love to fill me. (FFR §9, 186‒87)

      The experience later deepened that night through a vision he had while praying of a pair of feet wearing sandals. McLaren felt himself transform into the water droplets of a woman weeping at Jesus’ feet (cf. Luke 7:37–38). It was at this moment that McLaren dedicated his life to Christ. “From that night on, I was a wholehearted lover of the Creator, a person thirsty for the Holy Spirit, and a devoted follower of Jesus. That was my triune baptism into spirituality. . . .So everything I write about spirituality