Darren M. Slade

The Logic of Intersubjectivity

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for wealth and political dominance, fueled by paranoia and American nationalism (GSM, 240n16).33 Regardless of how evangelicals rationalize their initial endorsement of President Trump, the fact that “Trumpism” continues unhindered indicates that many churches are causing irreparable damage to Christian identity.34 As R. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, once remarked,

      In order to understand this socio-political context further, several key terms require delineation.

      1.3 Definitions and Terms

      Existential/Existentialism: as used in this book, an “existential” lifestyle denotes the resolute and personally meaningful embodiment of Christian faith while reflecting on its pragmatic relevance for daily living and real-world dilemmas. Existentialism here parallels McLaren’s other term, “aliveness” (WMRBW, xv), which aligns with Kierkegaardian and Percyean existentialism, as opposed to Tillichian or Sartrean existentialism (see §8.2.2).

      Intersubjectivity: empathic communication; the sharing of subjective experiences, thoughts, and emotions among people within a group, which works to co-create the group’s perception of objective events and ontological reality (see §8.2.1).