Laci Richter

Refuel Your Wait

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before birth. It took almost a year in that process before I realized I was trying too hard to remain in control.

      God’s path may not always be the easy path or the short path, but it is the straight path. We have many paths available with forks in the road, uphill struggles, and downhill battles. Our Heavenly Father is waiting to guide us in the right direction. He does not promise an easy and painless journey, but he does promise to lead us and make our paths straight.

      Wait with Hope

      Is there a particular part of your journey in which you continue to try the easy or short path?

      What sorts of things are getting in your way on this path?

      Prayerfully consider another path, that although may seem longer, may be blessed and straightened by God.

      Chapter Eight

      Spring Forward

      “His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants springing up everywhere.”

      (Isaiah 61:11)

      In the spring of 2012, after a long winter of medical procedures and negative pregnancy tests, we were at a crossroads. We needed to decide if we would continue infertility treatments or enter the adoption process.

      While we were trying to grow our family, my husband and I busied ourselves with many home projects. One beautiful spring morning we were working in our garden and enjoying the warm sunshine. Our job that day was to transfer our fragile seedlings from egg cartons into the lush garden spot we prepared for them. My husband had meticulously cared for these seedlings indoors for months and now it was time to place them outside. I looked down into my hands holding one tiny healthy green plant. I carefully dug a small hole and placed it into the soil. A feeling of peace and confirmation fell over me. To choose to adopt would mean an expectant mother would plant, grow, and care for her baby until it was time for us to become parents. At that very moment I knew we were ready to move forward in our journey. So we entered a new season of waiting.

      Any change can bring hope after a long and challenging season of waiting. A change in month or week, a change in weather or season, a change in schedule or activity. All of these things can refresh and renew our spirit. Look for changes around you and let them give you energy to push forward one more step in your journey.

      Wait with Hope

      List some activities that renew your spirit and give you hope. (spending time with friends, gardening, painting)

      Plan out some activities this week that give you hope.

      Schedule these activities on a calendar.

      Chapter Nine

      Every Little Step

      “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”

      (Psalms 119:105)

      After making the decision and expectantly moving forward into the adoption process, we eagerly approached the path. However, we were decelerated by the mountain of paperwork to be completed and a number of mandatory “to do’s” to be checked off. Any person wanting to adopt must complete, not only a lengthy application, but a state mandated “home study” conducted by a licensed social worker. The home study is used to prepare, evaluate, and collect information about the family. It is a rigorous process including several in-person meetings and can take months to complete. There is nothing fast or easy about this process.

      The home study evaluation requires a person to face and make decisions about their future that expecting parents would never think twice about. I was overwhelmed and disheartened knowing that these were not choices we would have to make if I were pregnant. What race are you open to adopting? What medical issues are you willing to accept? What type of relationship do you want with the birth parents? What states are you willing to travel to? What expenses are you willing to pay? There are so many unknowns which make these decisions very difficult. Some of the toughest decisions to make will not be relevant in the long run; some are vast forks in the road and some are mere steps on a path. But each of these decisions has to be made in the midst of uncertainty and prior to proceeding in the adoption process. For each decision I was struggling with, I would express my concerns to my husband and close friends and then ask for their thoughts. I would then bring my concerns to God through prayer and journaling. Giving attention and time to our values helped us make the best decision we could make with the information we had.

      Whether you are facing a major fork in the road or just a minor step on the path, seek his word for guidance. His word will guide your feet one step at a time. Do not look ahead or down the path. Do not try to make more than one decision at a time. Just take one step. Pray. Now take another. We need his guidance. We need his light. We need his word.

      Wait with Hope

      What fork in the road or decision are you currently facing?

      Are you looking too far ahead to make that decision? Back up and identify the first decision to be made.

      Consider praying, waiting for peace, and then taking one step. Continue to do this (pray, wait, step) until you have reached your destination. Use this space to pray, wait, step, and journal along the path.

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