Swami Paramananda

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda

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Same is it when we have great spiritual consciousness in us, we do not appreciate what misery, what unhappiness, its absence can create in a soul.


      Supreme Spirit, Thou knowest my innermost being,

      Thou knowest my strength and my weakness

      Rouse in my heart such fortitude and firmness of faith

      That nothing can throw me down or overwhelm me.

      Help me to lift my thoughts above the distractions of this world

      And fasten them to the stable and undying.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      We must never fall away. By steadfastness we surmount the greatest obstacles.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Fear not, nor be distressed,

      I am with thee always.

      There is no space before me:

      I infill all space.

      Yea, I am always with thee.

      Fear not, nor be distressed.


      If we are in tune, if we are fortified, we can go through the greatest misfortune without being crushed. If we are not in tune and thus fortified, we are in danger even in the midst of good fortune. There are obstacles in the spiritual path, but they only rise and overcome us when our life is out of rhythm. To remedy this we must find a proper basis for our action. When we find this, harmony is restored.


      O Thou Inexhaustible Source of all blessedness,

      Fill my mind with noble thoughts.

      Strengthen and sanctify my life.

      May I never give way to despondency or despair.

      Make me undaunted in the face of every obstacle and difficulty.

      And at all times may I look to Thee as my sole Support.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Nothing can withstand the power of the Unseen Presence.

      Lines to Memorize.

      The blessing of Thy Presence pervades my soul’s sanctuary.

      My slumbering mind, breathing its lingering perfume, is revived.

      My heart, purified and gladdened, reácheth out to Thee in adoration.

      Where Thou art, there abide joy and peace.


      When one moves in perfect rhythm and harmony, for him there are no obstacles. There is a Power before whom nothing can hold. When light is brought into the room, darkness cannot resist it. Similarly when we bring the light of Truth into our inner life, no evil or sorrow can remain. We become invincible.


      May the One Who has bestowed on me all my blessings,

      May that One rouse in me the sense of His Holy Presence.

      May I open my heart in guileless simplicity to His Divine influence.

      May I lift my thought to Him in selfless aspiration.

      May His peace rest upon me.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      If you keep your gaze fixed steadfastly on the right course, no one can turn you back.

      Lines to Memorize.

      None shall hinder thy forward course

      For I guide thy steps.

      Place thy hand in Mine and walk with faith.

      Where I am there is no ill.

      Fear not, but walk forward with faith.

      Light will come;

      For where’er I am there is light.


      As we learn to face our problems without being faint-hearted, we are sustained and helped in every way. Strength, inspiration, power to do, will come. We must always remember that however hard an experience may be, it always holds something for us. When these things come, we must not convert them into a tragedy by giving way to them.


      O Thou Almighty One, wake me from my slumber of ignorance.

      Help me to feel Thy unfailing protection and sustaining power.

      May they make me invincible and resolute.

      Bestow on me Thy abiding blessing.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      The one who lacks in resolution and tranquillity, in vain does he seek knowledge.

      Lines to Memorize.

      My restless mind, wandering and tired,

      Sitteth in Thy Presence in rapture.

      Like a thirsty bird that drinketh the rain-drops

      On a sultry mid-summer day.


      We have no right to make ourselves so much a slave to circumstance that we lack resourcefulness. We should be so resourceful that constantly we have something to contribute to ourselves first, then to others. We should never give way to discouragement or to a sense of aloneness. We should be glad when circumstances offer us opportunities for aloneness. We should utilize these moments to cultivate the love of high ideals and learn to reflect them in our life.


      Thou, All-wise One, art the Source of my life and power;

      Reveal Thyself unto me that my mind may be freed from doubt and darkness.

      May my thoughts and prayers be worthy

      That I may gain access to Thy Infinite Light.

      Through it all things are known.

      Fill my heart with that Light, leaving no room for aught else.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Steadiness and serenity go together.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Thy cool and consecrated blessing

      Hath soothed all my inward being.

      My fever of anguish is abated;

      My restive mind is at peace.


      Never let your mind grow turbulent or be shaken by agitation. When we limit ourselves to one-sided vision, everything becomes distorted and we are weakened. We are part of the great Immensity, we should not have any weakness or doubt. If we are part of that great Infinitude we should strive to express it in our life. We must learn to have a steadfast hold on the Supreme. Then we cannot be moved by the passing conditions of life. So long as we keep a firm grasp on Divinity, we shall always maintain our balance and