Father then shall smile, and greet thee with, “Well done!” 135
Could I but hope a lot so blest as thine
Awaited me, no happier would I crave:
That hope should then forbid me to repine
That Heaven so soon resum’d the gift it gave;
That hope should teach me every ill to brave;— 140
Should whisper, ’mid the tempest’s loudest tone,
Thy spirit walk’d with me life’s stormiest wave;
And lead me, when Time’s fleeting span was flown,
Calmly to share thy couch, which needs no graven stone.
9th Mo. 14th, 1819
Beautiful fabric! even in decay
And desolation, beauty still is thine:
As the rich sunset of an autumn day,
When gorgeous clouds in glorious hues combine
To render homage to its slow decline, 5
Is more majestic in its parting hour;
Even so thy mouldering, venerable shrine
Possesses now a more subduing power,
Than in thine earlier sway with pomp and pride thy dower.
To voice of praise or prayer, or solemn sound 10
Of sacred music, once familiar here,
Thy walls are echoless; within their bound,
Once holy deem’d, and to religion dear,
No sound salutes the most attentive ear
That tells thy former destiny; unless 15
It be when fitful breezes wandering near
Wake such faint sighs, as feebly might express
Some unseen spirit’s woe for thy lost loveliness.
Or when on stormy nights the winds are high,
And through thy roofless walls and arches sweep, 20
In tones more full of thrilling harmony
Than art could reach; while from the neighbouring deep
The roar of bursting billows seems to keep
Accordant measure with the tempest’s chime;
Oh, then! at times have I, arous’d from sleep, 25
Fancied that thou, even in thy proudest prime,
Couldst never have given birth to music more sublime.
But to the eye, revolving years still add
Fresh charms, which make thee lovelier to the view;
For nature has luxuriantly clad 30
Thy ruins; as if wishing to renew
Their claim to homage from those hearts that woo
Her gentle influence: with indulgent hand
She has aton’d for all that time could do,
Though she might not his ravages withstand; 35
And now thou art her own: her skill thy beauties plann’d.
The mantling ivy’s ever-verdant wreath
She gave thee as her livery to wear;
Thy wall-flowers, waving at the gentlest breath,
And scattering perfume on the summer air, 40
Wooing the bee to come and labour there;
The clinging moss, whose hue of sober grey
Makes beautiful what else were bleak and bare;
These she has given thee as a fit array
For thy declining pomp, and her delightful sway. 45
Yet is it not her power, or these alone
That make thee interesting as thou art;
The merely beautiful, however prone
We are to prize it, could not touch the heart.
Mere form and colour would not thus impart, 50
Unto the pensive, contemplating mind,
Thoughts which might almost cause a tear to start
In eyes not given to weep: there is assign’d
To thee a stronger power in deeper feeling shrin’d.
It is a consciousness of what thou wert, 55
Compar’d with what thou art; a feeling sense
Which even steals upon the most inert,
Who have the least conception how, or whence
Such mixt sensations should arise from thence;
But so it is, that few there are can gaze 60
Upon the wrecks of old magnificence,
Nor own the moral that their fate conveys,
How all that man can build his own brief power betrays.
And most of all this truth arrests the heart,
When edifices that were meant to be, 60
Not mere mementos of the builder’s art,
That future ages should with wonder see;
But monuments of wealth and piety,
To the Most High for ever consecrate;
When these, too, share the fate now fallen on thee, 70
Who can with stoic coldness contemplate
Their splendour thus defac’d, their pomp thus desolate.
No Catholic am I, in whom the sight
Of glories tarnish’d, altars overthrown,
Aught of revengeful feeling could excite: 75
Pope, Cardinal, and Abbot, I disown
Alike, as empty titles; seldom shown
More insignificant and profitless,
Than where they once assum’d their haughtiest tone;
Yet do I feel what words cannot express, 80
Viewing the faded pride of fancied holiness.
Of fancied holiness! O say not so,
Nor judge unkindly of another’s creed;
The intent and motive God alone can know,
And these condemn, or sanctify the deed. 85
Ave-maria, crucifix, and bead
Are nothing in themselves; but if they were
Imagin’d helpful in the votary’s need,
Although a faith more spiritual may spare
Such outward aids to seek, from blame it may forbear. 90
And thus this gorgeous edifice, if rear’d
By piety, which sought with honest aim
The glory of The Lord, should be rever’d,
Even for that cause, by those who seek the same.
Perchance the builders err’d; but who shall blame 95
Error, nor feel that they partake