Joseph Kraynak

Oceans For Dummies

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meter (3 square feet) of beach in ...FIGURE 21-4: Philippe Cousteau kneeling on a beach covered in oil from the BP D...FIGURE 21-5: Graph of global fisheries’ decline. FIGURE 21-6: A healthy deep-sea ecosystem before trawling (a) versus after traw...FIGURE 21-7: A lionfish. FIGURE 21-8: A coral reef before and after a bleaching event. Notice that after...FIGURE 21-9: Ashlan and Philippe learn from youth leading an oyster restoration...

      20 Chapter 22FIGURE 22-1: Blue-ringed octopus. FIGURE 22-2: A stone fish. FIGURE 22-3: A tiger shark. FIGURE 22-4: A box jellyfish.


      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4 Table of Contents

      5  Begin Reading

      6  Index

      7  About the Authors


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