Quan Yu received his Ph.D. degree in fiber optics from the University of Limoges in 1992. Since 1992, he joined the faculty of the Institute of China Electronic System Engineering Corporation. He is currently a principal research scientist at Peng Cheng Laboratory. His main areas of research interest are the architecture of wireless networks, optimization of protocols, and cognitive radios. He is an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Communications and Information Networks.
We would like to thank many colleagues who worked together, including Professor Jun Zhang, Professor Feng Liu, and Associate Professor Chen Chen. They gave many suggestions and helped in the completion of this book. In addition, we especially thank the students who worked hard for the preparation and proofreading of this book, including Chao Han, Shengyue Dou, Min Zhang, Yao Li, Xin Zhang, Shengsen Pan, Wenjie Bai, Yuewen Zhao, Shang Dang, Yezhen Li, and He Zhu.
In addition, I would like to thank the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFB0503002) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61922010).
Finally, I am very grateful to my family for their strong support and understanding of my work.
Lin Bai, Xianling Liang, Zhenyu Xiao, Ronghong Jin and Quan Yu
Beijing and Shanghai
Common Symbol Table
1.A and a represent complex-value vectors and matrices, respectively.
2.For matrix A, AT, AH, A−1, and A* represent its transpose, conjugate transpose, inverse of the matrix, and conjugate matrix, respectively.
3.[A]i,j denotes the element of the ith row and the jth column of matrix A.
4.A(a:b, c:d) represents a sub-array of matrix A whose elements are the a, . . . , b rows and c, . . . , d columns of matrix A.
5.A(n, :) and A(:, n) represent the nth row and the nth column of the matrix A, respectively.
7.||·|| represents the 2 norm of the vector or matrix and ||·|| represents the Frobenius norm of the vector or matrix.
8.[α] represents the largest integer less than α and [α] represents the nearest integer to α.
9.[α] represents the absolute value of α.
10.\ represents set subtraction.
11.In represents the n × n identity matrix.
12. represents the trace of matrix A.
14.det(A) represents the determinant of matrix A.
17.λ(A) and λmin(A) represent the eigenvalues of matrix A and the minimum eigenvalue of matrix A, respectively.
19.E[·] represents statistical expectation.
20.〈a, b〉 represents the inner product of the vectors a and b.
22.log(·) represents the natural logarithm.
23.0 represents a matrix with all zero elements.
25.A ⊗ B represents the Kronecker product of the matrices A and B.
1.1Overview of Ground-based Wireless Communication System
1.1.1The first generation of mobile communication system
1.1.2The second generation of mobile communication system
1.1.3The third generation of mobile communication system
1.1.4The fourth generation of mobile communication system
1.1.5The fifth generation of mobile communication system
1.2The Overview of Air-Based Cooperative Transmission System
1.3The Overview of Space-Based Cooperative Transmission System
1.3.1The current situation and development trend of space-based cooperative transmission system