href="#u816e4938-a9d9-52e6-a3a5-954eb7666c58">4. The intervention scenario
6. Reproducing old, legitimating new orders
7. Politics and power of post-coup interventions
4.1 The intervention scenario
2.1 Ideal-typical problematizations of infringements of legitimate order
7.1 Cases of post-coup interventions by the African Union (2004–2019)
3FN | Three National Forces (Trois forces nationales) |
ACHPR | African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights |
ACJHR | African Court of Justice and Human Rights |
AfDB | African Development Bank |
AGA | African Governance Architecture |
APRM | African Peer Review Mechanism |
APSA | African Peace and Security Architecture |
AREMA | Association for the Rebirth of Madagascar (Andry sy Rihana Enti-Manavotra an’i Madagasikara) |
AS | Other Sensibilities (Autres sensibilités) |
AU | African Union |
BIANCO | Independent Anti-Corruption Office (Bureau indépendant anti-corruption) |
CAPSAT | Army corps for personnel and administrative and technical services (Corps d’armée des personnels et des services administratifs et techniques) |
CCM | Malagasy Construction Company (Compagnie de construction malagasy) |
CDE | Club for Development and Ethics (Club développement et éthique) |
CENI-T | Independent National Electoral Commission for the Transition (Commission électorale nationale indépendante pour la transition) |
CES | Special Electoral Court (Cour électorale spéciale) |
CNOSC | National Coordination of Civil Society Organizations (Coordination nationale des organisations de la société civile) |
COI | Indian Ocean Commission (Commission de l’Océan Indien) |
COMESA | Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa |
CONECS | National and Economic Social Council (Conseil national économique et social) |
COSC | Coalition of Civil Society Organizations (Coalition des organisations de la société civile) |
CRN | Committee for National Reconciliation (Comité pour la réconciliation nationale) |
CSC | Roadmap Implementation Monitoring and Control Committee (Comité de suivi et de contrôle de la mise en œuvre de la Feuille de route) |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
EISA | Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa |
EITI | Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative |
EKAR | Catholic Church of Madagascar (Eglizy Katolika Apostolika Romana) |
ESCOPOL | Space for Consultation of Political Organizations and Parties (Espace de concertation des organisations et partis politiques) |
EU | European Union |
FEDMINES | Federation of Professional Mining Associations (Fédération des associations professionelles de mines) |
FFKM | Malagasy Council of Christian Churches (Fiombonan’ny Fiangonana Kristianina eto Madagasikara) |
FFM | Malagasy Reconciliation Council (Filankevitry ny Fampihavanana Malagasy) |
FISEMA | General Confederation of Malagasy Workers’ Unions (Firaisana Sendikaly Malagasy) |
FJKM | Church of Jesus Christ (Fiangonan’i Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara) |
FNOIM | National Federation of Malagasy Engineering Organizations (Fédération nationale des organisations d’ingénieurs Malagasy) |
FNS | National Solidarity Fund (Fonds national de solidarité) |
FPVM | New Protestant Church in Madagascar (Fiangonana Protestanta Vaovao eto Madagasikara) |
FRELIMO | Mozambique Liberation Front (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique) |
GIS-M | International Support Group for Madagascar (Groupe international de soutien à Madagascar) |
HAT | High Authority of the Transition (Haute autorité de la transition) |
HPM | Rally of Political Forces (Hery Politika Mitambatra) |
ICG | international contact group |
ICG-M | International Contact Group on Madagascar |
IO | international organization |
IR | International Relations |
KMF/CNOE | National Election Observation Committee – Citizen Education (Komitim-pirenena Manara-maso ny Fifidianana) |