Marcus Garvey

Message to the People

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age is to be found in the Scriptures. You can always quote from the Scriptures. It is the quickest way of winning approval.

       Tragedy of White Injustice

      1. Read and study thoroughly the poem, “Tragedy of White Injustice” and apply its sentiment and statements in connection with the historic character and behavior of the white man. Know it so well as always to be able to be on guard against any professions of the white man in his suggested friendship for the Negro.

      The poem exposes the white man’s behavior in history and is intended to suggest distrust of him in every phase of life. Never allow it to get into the hands of a white man, if possible.

      2. You can improve your English as you go along by reading critically the books of the language; that is to say, you must pay close attention to the construction of sentences and paragraphs as you see them in the books you read. Imitate the style.

      Read with observation.

      Never read carelessly and recklessly.

      3. In reading books written by white authors of whatsoever kind, be aware of the fact that they are not written for your particular benefit or for the benefit of your race. They always write from their own point of view and only in the interest of their own race.

      Never swallow wholly what the white man writes or says without first critically analyzing it and investigating it. The white man’s trick is to deceive other people for his own benefit and profit.

      Always be on your guard against him in whatsoever he does or says. Never take chances with him. His school books in the elementary and high schools, colleges and universities are all fixed up to suit his own purposes; to put him on top and to keep him on top of other people. Don’t trust him. Beware! Beware!

      You should study carefully the subject of ethnology. It is the subject that causes races to know the difference between one race and another.

      Ethnic relationships are important for they reveal the characteristics of one people as different from another. There is no doubt that each race has different habits and manners of behavior. You must know them so as to be able to deal with them. There are books on this subject in the library. In your reading and searching for truth always try to get that which is particularly helpful to the Negro. Every thought that strikes you, see how it fits in with the Negro, and to what extent you can use it to his benefit or in his behalf. Your entire obsession must be to see things from the Negro’s point of view; remembering always, that you are a Negro striving for Negro supremacy in every department of life, so that any truth you see or any facts you gather must be twisted to suit the Negro psychology of things.

      The educational system of today hides the truth as far as the Negro is concerned. Therefore, you must searchingly scan everything you read, particularly history, to see what you can pick out for the good of the race. For instance, you will read that the Egyptians were a great people, the Carthaginians, Libyans, etc., but you will not be told that they were Black people or Negroes. Therefore, you should go beyond the mere statement of these events to discover the truth that will be creditable to your race. Therefore, in a case like that you would ask where did the Libyans, Carthaginians or Egyptians get their civilization from.

      Following that kind of investigation you will come upon the truth that it was all original Negro and subsequently became Negroid. That is to say, subsequent people were mixed with other peoples’ blood who were no doubt conquered by the Negro. As a fact, the original Egyptians were Black men and women, and so the Carthaginians and Libyans, but in the later centuries they became mixed in blood, just as the Blacks are being mixed in America and the West Indies by the infusion of white blood through the domination of the white man.

      Never yield to any statement in history or a statement made by any individual, caring not how great, that the Negro was nobody in history. Even if you can not prove it, always claim that the Negro was great. Read everything you can get written by Negroes and their ancestry, going back six thousand years. There are statements in the Bible, in the old and new testaments, to show that Black was always an important color among the races of man. Abraham had company with a Black woman, even though he had his wife, Sarah, by whom he had Ishmael.

      All the original Pharoahs were Black. Tutankamun, whose bones and body were dug up not very long ago at Luxor in Egypt, was a Black Pharoah. The Sphinx, in Egypt, which has stood through the millenniums, has black features. It is evident that as art it was portrayed to teach us of the greatness of men. When you are dealing with Jews let them know that they were once your slaves in Egypt, if you have to say so. There is [sic] good grounds for saying that civilization started in Africa and passed from and through Northern Africa into Southern Europe, from which the Greeks and Romans and the people of Asia Minor made good copies. The swarthy color of the Asiatics and the brunette color of the Southern Europeans are due to the fact that the cultured and civilized Blacks of Africa mixed their blood with them. Search all history and all literature and the Bible and find facts to support this argument and hold to it with a grip that will never loosen. Things that may not be true can be made so if you repeat them long and often enough. Therefore, always repeat statements that will give your race status and an advantage. That is how the white man has built up his system of superiority. He is always telling you he is superior and he has written history and literature to prove it. You must do the same. One of the great backgrounds for your argument which cannot be disputed is that you are older than any other man as a race because you are black. Your argument is that in nature everything by way of age darkens. Because you are darker than the rest of men, proves logically that you are older than the rest of men. Another proof of that is that even among white people they grow darker in skin as they grow older in age in a lifetime.

      If one individual were to live for six thousand years he would surely not be white. If he were born white he would be as dark as the darkest of men. Therefore, the argument that the Black man is black because as man he is older than the other man is good. Use it everywhere you go to defeat the white man in his belief that you sprung from something else. Use the argument that the white man is white because most of the time when the Black man was great in Africa and had succeeded in running him across the Mediterranean into Southern Europe he had to hide himself in caves where there was very little light and air. He was almost covered up for most of the time in darkness. In natural creation, the child in the womb of the mother is almost white, even though it is a Black child, it is almost born white and doesn’t change color until it comes in contact with light and air.

      Living in caves for as many centuries, the white man, therefore, became colorless and the length of time made it so that he was born naturally white. You must interpret anthropology to suit yourself. The thing for you to do is to refute every pertinent statement of the white man that tends to degrade you and to elevate him. Turn the tables on him and search for all reasons in the world you can find to justify it. That is how new thoughts are given out by creation. Never yield to the statement of your inferiority.

      In reading Christian literature and accepting the doctrine of Jesus Christ, lay special claim to your association with Jesus and the Son of God. Show that while the white and yellow worlds, that is to say, the worlds of Europe and Asia Minor, persecuted and crucified Jesus the Son of God, it was the Black Race through Simon, the Black Cyrenian, who befriended the Son of God and took up the cross and bore it alongside of Him, up to the heights of Calvary. Therefore, the Roman Catholics have no rightful claim to the cross, nor any other professing Christian, before the Negro makes his claim. The cross is the property of the Negro in his religion because it was he who bore it.

      Never admit that Jesus Christ was a white man, otherwise, he could not be the Son of God, and the God to redeem all mankind. Jesus Christ had the blood of all races in his veins, and tracing the Jewish race back to Abraham and to Moses from which Jesus sprang through the line of Jesse, you will find Negro blood everywhere; therefore, Jesus had mostly Negro blood in him.

      Read the genealogical tree of Jesus in the Bible and you will learn from where he sprang. It is a fact that the white man has borrowed his civilization from other peoples. The first civilization was the Negro’s, Black people. The second civilization was the brown people’s, Indians; the third civilization belonged to yellow people, the Chinese or Mongol’s; the last civilization,