Spotted Whistling-Duck Sites
Evans Landing
Lake Patricia Parkland
Weipa Caravan Park
Uningan Nature Reserve
Mapoon Area
Moreton Telegraph Station
Jardine River National Park
Captain Billy Landing
Heathlands Resources Reserve
Eliot Falls and Twin Falls
Ussher Point
Cowal Creek Crossing
Pump Station Road
Sanamere Creek Crossing
Settling Ponds
Alau Beach
Loyalty Beach
Lockerby Scrub
Pajinka Road
Somerset Road
Raine Island
Thursday Island Group
Little Woody island
Little Tuesday Island
Mount Adolphus Island
Thursday Island
Horn Island
Boigu and Saibai Islands
Boigu Island
Saibai Island
Central North Qld
Lara Station Wetlands
Lloyd Jones Weir
Desert Uplands Lakes
Lake Dunn
Lake Galilee
Lake Buchanan
Bellyando Crossing Roadhouse
Moorrinya National Park
Paddock Dam
Shirley Homestead
Shirley Shearing Shed Camping Area
Monks Dam
Dardanelles Intersection
Stock Route
Pigeon Dam
Mingo Dam
Burdekin Falls Dam
Valley of Lagoons Wetland
Saltern Lagoon
Pelican Lakes
Glen Houghton Road
Pentland Lagoon
White Mountains National Park
Burra Range Truck Stop
Telstra Tower
Canns Campground
Big Swamp
Nonda Waterhole
Julia Creek
Sewage Ponds
Julia Creek Camping Area
Undara Volcanic National Park
Georgetown Racecourse
Georgetown River Walk
Durham Dam
Cumberland Dam
Flat Creek Station
Cobbold Gorge Nature Refuge
Claraville Road
Croydon Airstrip
One Mile Creek Waterhole
Lake Belmore
Other sites on Gulf Developmental Rd
Turtle Rock Rest Area
Newcastle Run
Barramundi Waterhole
Blackbull Rest Area
Chillagoe-Mungana Caves NP
Mount Isa Region
Chinaman Creek Dam
Cloncurry River
Cloncurry Sewage Treatment Plant
Rest Area on Burke Developmental Road
Cloncurry-Duchess Road
Clem Walton Park
Lake Mary Kathleen
Lake Moondarra
Tom O’Hara Park
Clearwater Lagoon
Barramundi Way - Southern Access
Barramundi Way - Northern Access
Lake Moondarra Lookout
Warrina Park
Western Shores
Mount Isa
Kalkadoon Grasswren Sites
Carpentarian Grasswren Sites
Mt Isa Wastewater Treatment Plant
Horse Paddocks
Burke and Wills Roadhouse
Burke and Wills Roadhouse Dam
Grey Falcon’s Nest
Gregory River Crossing
Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park
Archie Creek
Adels Grove
Lawn Hill Gorge
Riversleigh Road
Riversleigh D-site
Gregory River Crossing
O’Shannassy River Crossing
Gulf of Carpentaria
Normanton-Burketown Road
Road at 17o46’55’’S and 140o53’16’’E
Burke and Wills Camp 119
Bynoe River and Little Bynoe River Crossings
Flinders River Crossing
Road at 17o57’56’’S and 140o38’54’’E