but this is already the costs of a profession. In an effort to get away from such costs, a brilliant way out of the difficulties with the definition the essence the notion of a number was found. Scientists have finally grasped that it needs to be derived from other simpler notions, for example, such as the notion “set”. Everything turned out so simple, a set is that what is a lot. Well, is it not clear? However, it was found out again that one cannot do without empty set and in this case, it would see like nothing, and the question again arises, so what is a set number or not?
Georg Cantor has developed his theory of sets, which other mathematicians such as, for example, Henri Poincaré, called all sorts of bad words and did not want to admit at all. But suddenly unexpected for everyone the respectable "Royal Society of London" (the English Academy of Sciences) in 1904 decided to award Cantor with its medal. So, it turns out that here is the point, where the fates of science are decided!20
Pic. 27. Georg Cantor
And everything would be fine, but suddenly another trouble struck again. Out of nowhere in this very theory of sets insurmountable contradictions began to appear, which are also described in great detail in Singh’s book. In the scientific community everyone immediately was alarmed and began to think about how to solve this problem. But it has rested as on the wall and in no way did not want to be solved. Everyone was somehow depressed, but then they yet cheered up again.
It was so happened because now David Hilbert himself got down to it, the great mathematician that first solved the very difficult Waring problem, which has a direct relationship to the FLT. 21 It is also curious that Hilbert repeated Euler's experiment apparently inspired by the FLT problem. It seems that at some point Euler began to have doubts that the FLT is generally provable and he assumed the equation a4+b4+c4=d4 also like Fermat’s equation an+bn=cn for n>2 in integers is unsolvable, but in the end it turned out that he was wrong.22
Pic. 28. David Hilbert
Following the example of Euler on the eve of the 20th century, Hilbert offered to the scientific community 23 problems, which according to his assumption, are unlikely to be solved in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, Hilbert's colleagues coped with them rather quickly, while Euler’s hypothesis has held almost until the 21st century and was only refuted with the help of computers, what is also described in Singh’s book. So, the suspicion that the FLT was merely an assumption of its author has lost any reason.
Hilbert had not cope with overcoming contradictions in set theory and could not do it because this problem is not at all mathematical, but informational one, so computer scientists should solve it sooner or later and when this happened, they are surprisingly very easily (and absolutely true) found a solution just forbidding closed chains of links.23 It is clear Hilbert could not know about it then and decided that the most reliable barrier to contradictions can be provided with the help of axioms. But axioms cannot be created on empty place and must come out of something and this something is a number, but what it is, no one can explain this not then nor now.
A brilliant example of what can be created with axioms is given in the same book of Singh. The obvious incident with the lack of a clear formulation to the notion of a number can accidentally spoil any rainbow picture and something needs to be done with it. It gets especially unpleasant with the justification of the “complex numbers”. Perhaps this caused the appearance in the Singh’s book of Appendix 8 called “Axioms of arithmetic”, in which 5 previously known axioms relating to a count are not mentioned at all (otherwise the idea will not past), while those that define the basic properties of numbers are complemented and a new axiom appears so that it must exist the numbers n and k, such that n+k=0 and then everything will be in the openwork!
Of course, Singh himself would never have guessed this. It is clearly visible here the help of consultants who for some reason forgot to change the name of the application since these are no longer axioms of arithmetic because already nothing is left of it.24 The school arithmetic, which for a long time barely kept on the multiplication table and the proportions, is now completely drained. Instead it, now there is full swing mastering of the calculator and computer. If such “progress” continues further, then the transition to life on trees for our civilization will occur very quickly and naturally.
Against this background a truly outstanding scientific discovery was made in Wikipedia, which simply has no equal in terms of art and the scale of misinformation. For a long time, many people thought that there are only four actions of arithmetic, these are addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. But no! There are also exponentiation and … root extraction (???). The authors of the articles given us this "knowledge" through Wikipedia clearly blundered because extracting the root is the same exponentiation only not with the integer power, but with fractional one. No of course, they knew about it, but what they didn’t guess was that it was they who copied this arithmetic action at Euler himself from that very book about the wonder-algebra25.
The correct name of the sixth action of arithmetic is logarithm i.e. calculating the power index (x) for a given power number (y) and basis of a power (z) i.e. from y=zx follows x=logzy. As in the case with the name of the Singh’s book, this error is not at all accidental since no one really worked on logarithms as part of the arithmetic of integers. If this happens someday, then not earlier than in some five hundred years! But as for the action with power numbers, the situation here is not much better than with logarithms. If multiplication and dividing of power numbers as well as exponentiation a power number to a power, do not present any difficulties, but the addition of power numbers is still a dark forest even for professors.
The clarification in this matter begins with the FLT, which states that the sum of two power integer with the same power index greater than the second, cannot be an integer with the same power index. In this sense, this theorem is not at all any puzzle, but one of the basic propositions that unequivocally (!) regulates the addition of integer powers, therefore, it is of fundamental importance for science.26 The fact that the FLT has not yet been proven, indicates only the state of current science, which is falling apart right before our eyes. Science cannot even imagine that if the proof from Fermat himself came to us, it would have been long ago taught in secondary school.
Many people of course, will perceive it as a fairy tale, but only the completely blind ones may not notice that behind all this absurd and awkward history with the FLT, clearly and openly ears of the unholy stick so out, that he was enough to deprive human civilization of access to Fermat's works on arithmetic, so it immediately turned out to be completely disoriented. Instead of developing science they began being vigorously to destroy it and even with very good intentions. But a special zeal in people appears when they have the material stimulus.
Pic. 29. Andrew Beal
Texas entrepreneur Andrew Beal27 had proposed his conjecture, the proof of which allegedly could lead to a very simple proof of the FLT. Since for the solution of this problem it was proposed first $ 5 thousand, then $ 100 thousand, and from 2013 – a whole million, then naturally it appeared many willing people who began diligently this task to solve. However, in the conditions when arithmetic has long ceased to be the primary basic of all knowledge and still does not know, what is a number, everything turned upside down i.e. one amateur enthusiast was able to set on the ears the whole official science and so, that it had in fact already acknowledged the experience of Baron Munchhausen lifting himself up, taking himself by his collar, wherewith science did not even try at least to conceal its own insolvency (see pt. 4.5).
By working in the intense and tireless search for the FLT proof, it has never even occurred to anyone to search for Fermat’s manuscripts