Youri Veniaminovich Kraskov

The Wonders of Arithmetic from Pierre Simon de Fermat

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Gauss who made accurate calculations for his father a pipeline engineer. And others can do it too, but they just don’t know about it!

      In this book many different names are called, which created history by the will of Providence or case, and just because they turn special attention to themselves they deserve every respect, no matter in what circumstances and how they showed themselves because otherwise, there would simply not be events, from which the plot of our narrative was formed.

      From what we have already talked about science here, it will look completely unattractive. Moreover, it will be presented as the source of all troubles, and sadly this is the harsh truth. But if the question about the place of science in society is not raised and, in any way, not clarified, then a catastrophe allegedly coming from scientists, will become inevitable and the very existence of our wonderful world will lose all meaning. This is not at all some formidable warning or apocalyptic prophecy, but merely an ascertaining that science is the only (!!!) field of human activity that predetermines all their other varieties!

      Thus, in an intelligent society the highest priority of science must be ensured and supported by all available means, otherwise, it will receive only a global confrontation of ignoramuses balancing on the precarious verge of mutual destruction. And what we have now? Only that the management of society goes not in accordance with the objective laws of the world, but through blatant incompetence, irresponsibility, bribery, adventurism etc. Where is here the science? It is not even near visible anywhere. If even the applied science, which has been robbed by money-lenders to the last thread, somehow can still cling to its existence then for a fundamental science a long time ago there are no any prospects at all.

      But perhaps scientists need to offer something themselves so that the fruits of their labor will be appreciated? Ha-ha-ha! There is a well-known case when Gregory Perelman had published without any conditions in free access the proof of the Poincare conjecture, which more than a hundred years apart from him could not be obtained by scientists. However, instead of (already offered to him!) a premium of US$ 1 million he got nothing. The press reported that allegedly he had himself refused under a fictitious pretext, but for some reason all thought that he was just an eccentric. However, in fact he did not even think about refusing, apparently naively believing that the prize he has fully deserved.

      However, he did not take into account that in a society, in which the leading positions have not scientists, but usurers and bribe-takers, scientific discoveries that do not give immediate return with money, are even for free nobody need. In fact, they really offer prizes not for scientific discoveries, but for a well-known name that can be exploited in their own interests. Yet Perelman in this story brought the initiators of the award to a clean water after he offered to share prize with another scientist related to his scientific discovery and then it became obvious that in fact the refusal did not go at all from him, but from imaginary benefactors.

      In terms of determining the value of scientific discoveries, there simply cannot be any illusions that nobody really needs them. In the obviously dying world of usury, theft, gain, speculation etc., the attitude to science can be only as it is. There is no doubt that the premium for proof of the Andrew Beal conjecture will also not be paid for its intended purpose. Are you don't believe? Well, it's very easily to check!

      In this book there are examples of such calculations, which leave no room for doubts that it would be impossible to carry them out without knowing the essence … no, not of a conjecture, but of a much stronger statement called here “The Beal Theorem”! If the aim of the Beal Prize is really to get this impressive scientific discovery, then the organizing Committee in the face of "American Mathematical Society" would be easier do not rely on the propitiousness of mathematical editions, and just to request it directly from the author of this book.

      This way would be clearly simpler and better since the proof of the Beal conjecture is too elementary and not so significant for science as the proof of the Beal Theorem, which would be much more useful, productive and impressive with the same end result that is required in conditions of the Beal Prize. The risk of arising another fake in this case will be excluded, but if nothing to be done to solve this problem, the initiator of the prize Mr. Andrew Beal may never wait to achieve his goal. Besides, it should be borne in mind that expert evaluation of the Beal conjecture proof does not require such obviously excessive precautions, because this task is for children from secondary school. What is written in this book is more than enough to make sure that this task has not any difficulties for the author.

      It is very curious in this sense, how science will react to the appearance here of the FLT proof, performed by Fermat himself! And this is in conditions when as many as 18 (!!!) the most prestigious awards for obviously erroneous proof 1995 have already been presented! Of course, no one is immune from errors and we will show here how such pillars of science as Euclid and Gauss made the most elementary blunders in proving the Basic theorem of arithmetic, as well as Euler, who blessed the use in algebra of “complex numbers” , which are not numbers due to the fact that they do not obey to this same Basic theorem. However, Euler wasn’t aware of it yet, but his followers know this perfectly well for the two hundred years, nevertheless no one even had a finger stir to correct this mistake.

      As for the not needed scientific discoveries, many people simply do not know that they can live quietly and consume all the vital resources they need only until the knowledge resource, accumulated in society for a given level of its development, will be exhausted. And after that, in order to keep what has been achieved, the stronger countries will attack the weaker ones and live at the expense of their plunder. But this would not have been necessary at all if these “strong” countries had enough knowledge. Then they would not have conflict with the rest of the world since all the necessary resources would be provided in abundance by science.

      On this we will complete our introduction, but we will give it such a secret impulse that will allow us to perform a real wonder! … no, even two! We can call these wonders here by their proper names because our eternal opponents from the complete lack of real science by them, are simply incapable of this.

      As a result, they will learn about the realization of the most grandiose technological breakthrough in Russia in the entire history of our civilization, with unlimited potential of development effectiveness for the immense future. The notorious “valleys”, “techno parks”, “incubators” and the like ghosts for such breakthroughs are unsuitable in principle. But still earlier, another wonder will happen when Russia literally in a couple of months, on the wreckage of collapsing today the world usury financial system, will create a new one, in which no any international money will be needed and all countries in international trade will use only their national currencies.

      Are you again don't believe? Well, you can see for yourself because the book is in your hands!

      1. The Greatest Phenomenon of Science

      Usually, the science's image is represented as an ordered system of knowledge about everything that can be observed in the world around us. However, this image is illusory and in fact there is not any orderliness in science since it is formed not by the development of knowledge from the simple to the complex, but only by the historical process of the emergence of new theories. The classic example is the Descartes – Fermat analytic geometry, where compared with Euclidean geometry, science sees only an analytic-friendly representation of numerical functions in a coordinate system, but does not evaluate the qualitative transition from naturalized elements (point, line, surface, etc.) to numbers.1

      It would seem that this is so insignificant that it cannot have any consequences, but ironically, it was after the expansion of the numerical axis to the numerical plane, when science was hopelessly compromised, because it suddenly became clear that such a representation of numbers does not obey to the Basic theorem of arithmetic that the decomposing of an integer into prime factors is always unique. But then a corresponding conclusion should be made that no any numerical plane exists and everything connected with it should be written off to the archive of history.

      But it’s really impossible! If there is no orderliness in science, then there is no reason to link new knowledge to earlier ones. Therefore, it is not at all news to the world of scientists that for the numerical plane the Basic theorem of arithmetic is not acted.