When slower planet is significator | When quicker planet is significator |
When slower planet is significator | When quicker planet is significator |
When slower planet is significator | When quicker planet is significator |
These aspects are not always as good as represented, since the influence will vary somewhat, according to sign and position, and other aspects may tend to counteract; but speaking generally they are harmonious and fortunate. If read in a somewhat restricted sense they may be held to apply also to the semi-sextile aad quintile aspects, but though slightly good these are very weak and perhaps better omitted from consideration altogether. The quincunx or inconjunct
With regard to all aspects, particular attention should be paid to the application of the swifter moving planet, aspects in process of formation by application being far more important than aspects from which the swifter planet is separating, especially if the latter is the significator. The following explanation will illustrate this idea.
If Venus is the ruling planet, and first applies to the conjunction of Mercury while separating from the square aspect of Saturn, the application will be of primary importance, and the separation secondary, even if the separating aspect is closer than the application; for the separation indicates a lesson that has been learned and the application a lesson that is to be learned, either in this life or the next.* If the ruler has just left one aspect, and applies to another, give the principal value to the influence forming. The separating from any aspect to Saturn and applying to Jupiter is favourable for health, wealth and happiness; but if the Moon separate from any aspect of Jupiter and apply to Mars or Saturn it is unfavourable.
Several astrologers have noticed the effects of the luminaries and the planets separating from certain planets and their application to others, but the Moon’s influence is the principal one to note in these cases, and the following separations and applications of the Moon denote the general effects of the applications.
FROM | |
Exceptional experiences, a remarkable life. |
Unfavourable environment, repression and serious obstacles. |
Rising fortune, social aid, powerful friends. |
Chequered career, misfortunes, failing fortune. |
Success and fame, honours and growing fortune. |
Helpful friends, prosperity and a happy life. |
A changeful life, fluctuating fortune, many struggles. |
Many enemies, deprivations, sorrowful experiences. |
Loss of liberty, danger of poverty, many disappointments |
Success in foreign lands, sudden good fortune. |
A disturbed life, misfortunes through misconduct or fateful tendencies. |