NextCreator Henshubu

How to Create Manga: Drawing Facial Expressions

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      Conveys cold

       sweat and panic.

      Turning pale

      An expression

       showing the

       blood draining

       from the face.


      PART 1

      Basic Expressions




      Enjoyment and



      Hearty Laughter









      Sadness and




















      The basic expression of joy, the smile, lifts the corners of the mouth and firms up the cheeks.

       It’s an expression that communicates good will, a sense of security and an absence of animosity.

      When you think of a smile, what comes to

       mind is the eyes forming a crescent moon

       shape and the mouth forming a half moon.

       To start, let’s look at this facial expression as

       one of the basic expressions of joy.

      Symbolic expressions

      Flow of expression

      When the cheeks firm up, the lower eyelids

       and the corners of the mouth lift. Think of the

       lower lids as being pushed up by the cheeks.

       Usually when blinking, both the upper and

       lower lids move toward each other, but the

       movement is different when smiling.

      The cheeks lift higher and the lower

       lids and corners of the mouth lift

       up. Once the corners of the mouth

       are raised this far, it is easier for the

       mouth to open in terms of the flow

       of expression.

      When the eyes are closed, the ends

       of the brows are lowered and a

       smile forms. Draw the character’s

       mouth wide open for a cheerful look,

       making sure at the same time that

       the overall appearance isn’t affected.


      A smile and a laugh

      A smiling face can depict a smile or a laugh. Refer to the explanation “The difference between smiling

       and laughing” in the Discussion on Page 25.

      A smile is used for communication with other people

       and conveys an absence of animosity and a sense of

       security. It can also be said that an open grin works to

       dispel a conversation partner’s wariness.

      If laughter continues, it can become painful and cause

       an agonized expression. Adding in the movement of the

       body, such as doubling over with laughter and holding

       the stomach, renders the expression more effective.

      Various expressions of joy

      While “joy” is an all-encompassing term for expressions of happiness, it takes various forms.

       Two examples are “a slowly lifting mood” and “a brave smile.”

      This smile expresses the pause of a few seconds

       between a happy occurrence and recognition that

       it has occurred.

      This smile is an expression of self-confidence while looking

       someone squarely in the eye as a display of power.



      A smile is an expression that creates a light, gentle impression. Of all the expressions

       that indicate joy, it is one of the more emotionally low-key. It is a go-to choice of

       expression for depicting parental affection or when a character doesn’t want to cause

       discomfort or difficulty.

      Create a gentle appearance by not making the mouth and eyes too big. As it is a smiling expression,

       the cheeks lift together with the corners of the mouth and the lower eyelids lift also, making the

       eyes slightly narrow. A smile can also be expressed with the eyes and mouth closed in a happy grin.



      Enjoyment and Delight

      Enjoyment and delight have more subtle registers, revealing themselves slightly as facial

       expressions. They are used in illustration for expressions of unrestrained joy such as the

       pleasure and delight experienced when good friends are hanging out together or when a

       goal has been achieved.

      In the moment of encountering something pleasurable or experiencing delight, the eyebrows lift and

       the eyes open as they would when surprised. Afterward, the expression changes to a happy smile and

       the cheeks flush with pleasure, depending on the exact moment to be captured. Lifting the corners

       of the mouth to make it open wider is a standard method of creating an innocent expression.





      This expression conveys the expectation of something positive

       happening. The characters are imagining that something enjoyable

       is about to happen, so their eyes are sparkling and they are smiling.

      In high spirits

      This expression is