Robert J. Moffat

Planning and Executing Credible Experiments

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engineers in Japan focused on the cooking profile of rice (not the shape of the device). By experiment, they found the shape of the temperature versus time curve, T = f (t), as shown in Figure 2.1, which optimizes rice taste when the ingredient is washed white, short‐grain rice. They also found a different shape that is best for unwashed rice and yet another shape for brown rice. Although aspects of the shape can be measured, such as the time at each temperature, it is the shape of the cooking profile that enhances the taste of the rice. By offering more delicious rice, manufacturers gained market share over older cookers that merely boiled rice.3

Graph depicts a rice cooker design trajectory.

      2.2.3 Measurable by the Human Sensory System

      How amazing is the human sensory system and what it enables us to observe! Trying to extract as much information using scalar measuring instruments is quite a challenge. The human sensory system is very complex, and its receptors are very well tuned to our environment. If our eyes were just a few decibels more sensitive, we could see single photons; if our ears were just a few decibels more sensitive, we could hear the Brownian motion of individual air molecules as they bounced off our eardrums.

      2.2.4 Identifying and Selecting Measurable Factors

      One of the first problems to be faced in exploratory research, and in development work, is identifying which scalars are significant to the issue at hand. Sometimes a single scalar is sufficient, such as a temperature, pressure, or velocity. Sometimes a compound scalar measure can be put together from a set of simple scalars. One example would be the Reynolds number, used for characterizing the state of the flow in a channel. Sometimes two or more scalars can be combined into one measure to reflect value judgments or “trade‐offs” in desirability. For example, consider the problem of selecting the optimum heat exchanger for an engine application. In even the simplest situation, ignoring such considerations as cost, size, and durability, a heat exchanger for engine service has at least two important scalar descriptors: its effectiveness and its pressure drop. Typically, high effectiveness is “good,” while high‐pressure drop is “bad.” Also typically, pressure drop goes up when effectiveness goes up. Neither by itself is a measure of goodness for the heat exchanger. A weighted sum of the two can be used as a “composite scalar” by finding two weight functions, one for effectiveness and one for pressure drop, which accounts for the effects of both on some single, important parameter – brake‐specific fuel consumption is another example. Such “goodness factors” can be used to account for many factors at a time and to convert a nonmeasurable situation to a measurable one.

      The choice of what to measure sets the course of the entire experiment, and that choice should be made with considerable care.

      2.2.5 Intrusive Measurements

      Always remember as you plan: making a measurement intrudes on the system measured. Ask: How much does the measurement intrusion alter the system? How does measurement affect the accuracy and precision of its results? Furthermore, the intrusion affects the uncertainty of the measurement. A prime motivator for inventing new probes and experimental techniques is the aim to intrude less when taking a measurement. Classic measurement is the focus of this text.

      There is an unfortunate tendency, among engineers particularly, simply to measure everything which can be measured, report the results, and hope that someone, someday, will find the results useful. This is a deplorable state of affairs, even though it has a long and honored past. In many respects, it follows the scientific tradition which emerged from Europe in the nineteenth century, when the art of measurement expanded so rapidly in Western civilization.

      William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, famously proclaimed: “When you can measure what you are talking about and express it in numbers then you have the beginning of knowledge.” That is still true today but with some limitations (Thomson 1883).

      Thomson's enthusiasm for measurements should be interpreted in terms of the times in which he lived. The European scientists of that period were infatuated with measurement. Every new measurement technique developed was applied to every situation for which it seemed to fit. There was no storehouse of knowledge about the physical world. Each new series of measurements revealed order in another part of the physical world, and it appeared that every measurement answered some question, and every question could be answered if only enough measurements were made. That was true partly because there were so many unanswered questions and partly because most of the questions which were being asked at that time could be answered by scalars.

      Since that era, experimental