Matthew B. Hamilton

Population Genetics

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and genotype frequencies. The important point and the original motivation for Hardy and Weinberg was to show that the process of particulate inheritance itself does not cause any changes in allele frequencies across generations. Thus, changes in allele frequency or departures from Hardy–Weinberg expected genotype frequencies must be caused by processes that alter the outcome of basic inheritance.

      Null model: A testable model of no effect or a background effect. A prediction or expectation based on the simplest assumptions to predict outcomes. Often, population genetic null models make predictions based on purely random processes such as random mating or genetic drift, random samples or combinations, or variables having background effects on allele or genotype frequencies.

      In the final part of this section, we will explore genotype frequency expectations adjusted to account for ploidy (the number of homologous chromosomes) differences between males and females as seen in chromosomal sex determination and haplo‐diploid organisms. In chromosomal sex determination as seen in mammals, birds, and Lepidoptera (butterflies), one sex is determined by possession of two identical chromosomes (the homogametic sex) and the other sex determined by possession of two different chromosomes (the heterogametic sex). In mammals, females are homogametic (XX) and males heterogametic (XY), whereas, in birds, the opposite is true, with heterogametic females (ZW) and homogametic males (ZZ). In haplo‐diploid species such as bees and wasps (Hymenoptera), males are haploid (hemizygous) for all chromosomes, whereas females are diploid for all chromosomes.

Homozygotic or diploid sex
Genotype ZZ
Gamete Z‐A Z‐a
Heterozygotic or haploid sex Frequency p q
Genotype Gamete Frequency
Z‐A p Z‐A Z‐A Z‐A Z‐a
p 2 pq
ZW Z‐a q Z‐A Z‐a Z‐a Z‐a
Pq q 2
W Z‐A W Z‐a W
p q
Expected genotype frequencies under random mating
Homogametic sex Homogametic sex
Z‐A Z‐A p 2 Z‐A W p
Z‐A Z‐a images
Z‐a Z‐a q 2 Z‐a W q

      Later, in Section 2.4, we will examine two categories of applications of Hardy–Weinberg expected genotype frequencies. The first set of applications arises when we assume (often with supporting evidence) that the assumptions of Hardy–Weinberg are true. We can then compare several expectations for genotype frequencies with actual genotype frequencies to distinguish between several alternative hypotheses. The second type of application is where we examine what results when assumptions of Hardy–Weinberg are not met. There are many cases where population genotype frequencies can be used to reveal the action of various population genetic processes. Before that, the next section builds a proof of the Hardy–Weinberg prediction that inheritance per se will not alter allele frequencies.