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Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture

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      so that this constraint can be considered effectively as broken (= 0) for T > Ti and intact (=1) for T < Ti. For both stretching and bending constraints, this formalism has been validated by comparisons of the standard deviations of the partial distributions calculated for glassy and crystalline alkali disilicates as a function of temperature in MD simulations [9].

      The average degree of freedom per vertex, f(T), in the network thus becomes T‐dependent and (for d = 3) is given by

      Since hi is a decreasing function of T, f(T) always increases with temperature.

      5.2 Extension of the Topological Constraint Theory to Supercooled Liquids

      In 1999, Gupta [6] extended the notion of T‐dependent bond constraints to glass‐forming supercooled liquids: “Since the structure of a glass formed by cooling a liquid is the same as the structure of the liquid at the glass transition (or fictive) temperature, Tg , it follows that if the glass structure is an extended TD network, then such a network must also exist in the super‐cooled liquid state at Tg .” More importantly, he argued that the configurational entropy, ΔS(T), of a supercooled liquid is approximately proportional to the average degrees of freedom per vertex, f(T). This result, later substantiated by Naumis [32], leads to several important consequences:

      1 At the Kauzmann temperature, TK, defined by ΔS(TK) = 0, the degrees of freedom vanish:(15)

      1 From the Adam–Gibbs theory of viscosity, it follows that the temperature‐dependence of viscosity is simply related to that of f(T):(16)

      Here, A is a constant independent of T.

      1 The fragility, m, of a liquid defined as(17)

      is related to the temperature‐dependence of f as follows:

Graph depicts the variation of degrees of freedom (f) in three supercooled liquids with increasing temperature normalized with respect to the Kauzmann temperature. Curve (a) represents a strong glass former, curve (b) a fragile glass former, and curve (c) a non-glass former for which a TD network cannot exist.

      (Source: From [6]).

      5.3 Temperature – Scaling of Viscosity (η) and the MYEGA Equation


      For deeply supercooled liquids in the vicinity of the glass transition, n is approximately equal to 3 and Eq. (16) simplifies to

      5.4 The Composition Variation of the Glass Transition Temperature, Tg

      If the value of the parameter A in Eq. (16) has a negligible composition dependence, then it follows from this equation that

      Gupta and Mauro [7] used the T‐dependent constraint theory to rationalize quantitatively the variation of the glass transition temperature, Tg(x), with composition in the binary Gex Se(1−x) chalcogenide system. Their analysis resulted in the modified Gibbs–DiMarzio equation:
