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Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture

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and microstructural criteria such as topological constraints describe elements that favor glass formation, i.e. the preservation of a topologically disordered distribution of basic elements in glasses. Kinetic theory shows how to avoid crystallization rather than explaining why the vitreous state really forms through the liquid–glass transition – it is at Tg that the “drama” occurs! Although kinetically controlled, the glass transition manifests itself as a second‐order phase transformation in the sense of Ehrenfest classification. Depending on the kind of measurement performed, it is thus revealed either as a continuous change of first‐order thermodynamic properties such as volume, enthalpy, entropy, or as a discontinuous variation of second‐order thermodynamic properties such as heat capacity or thermal expansion coefficient across the glass transition range.

      As indicated by its name, the CPT treats the glass transition as a percolation‐type second‐order transformation [27]. It pictures it as the disappearance in the glassy state of percolating clusters of broken bonds – configurons. Above Tg, percolating clusters, which are formed by broken bonds, enable a floppier structure and hence a greater degree of freedom for atomic motion so that it results in a higher heat capacity and thermal expansion coefficient. Below Tg there are no extended clusters of broken bonds such that the material has acquired a 3‐D structure with a bonding system similar to that of crystals except for lattice disorder. This disordered lattice then contains only point defects in the form of configurons. Agglomerates of fractal structures made of these broken bonds are present only above Tg, which is given by:

      In this equation Hd and Sd are the quasi‐equilibrium (isostructural) enthalpy and entropy of configurons present in Eq. (7) and ϕc is the percolation threshold, i.e. the critical fraction of space occupied by spheres of bond‐length diameters located within the bonding sites of the disordered lattice.

Element Valence Z Ionic distance for oxides, Å Coordination number Field strength, 1/Å2 Bond strength, kJ/mol Function
Si 4 1.60 4 1.57 443 Network formers: F~1.5–2.0
B 3 1.50 3 1.63 498
4 4 1.34 372
P 5 1.55 4 2.1 368–464
Ti 4 1.96 4 1.25 455 Intermediates: F~0.5–1.0
4 1.96 6 1.04 304
Al 3 1.77 4 0.96 335–423
3 1.89 6 0.84 224–284
Fe 3 1.88 4 0.85
3 1.99 6 0.76
Be 2 1.53 4 0.86 263
Zr 4 6 0.84 338
4 2.28 8 0.77 255
Mg 2 2.03 4 0.53