Sämtliche Werke von Shakespeare in einem Band: Zweisprachige Ausgabe (Deutsch-Englisch)
SCENE V [Enter Emilia.] EMILIA ‘Las, what’s the matter? what’s the matter, husband? IAGO Cassio hath here been set on in the dark By Roderigo, and fellows that are ‘scap’d: He’s almost slain, and Roderigo dead. EMILIA Alas, good gentleman! alas, good Cassio! IAGO This is the fruit of whoring.—Pr’ythee, Emilia, Go know of Cassio where he supp’d tonight.— What, do you shake at that? BIANCA He supp’d at my house; but I therefore shake not. IAGO O, did he so? I charge you, go with me. EMILIA Fie, fie upon thee, strumpet! BIANCA I am no strumpet, but of life as honest As you that thus abuse me. EMILIA As I! foh! fie upon thee! IAGO Kind gentlemen, let’s go see poor Cassio dress’d.— Come, mistress, you must tell’s another tale.— Emilia, run you to the citadel, And tell my lord and lady what hath happ’d.— Will you go on afore? [Aside.] This is the night That either makes me or fordoes me quite. [Exeunt.] SCENE VI Cyprus. A Bedchamber in the castle: Desdemona in bed asleep; a light burning. [Enter Othello.] OTHELLO It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul,— Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars!— It is the cause.—Yet I’ll not shed her blood; Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, And smooth as monumental alabaster. [Takes off his sword.] Yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men. Put out the light, and then put out the light: If I quench thee, thou flaming minister, I can again thy former light restore, Should I repent me:—but once put out thy light, Thou cunning’st pattern of excelling nature, I know not where is that Promethean heat That can thy light relume. When I have pluck’d thy rose, I cannot give it vital growth again, It must needs wither:—I’ll smell it on the tree.— [Kissing her.] O, balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword!—One more, one more;— Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after.—One more, and this the last; So sweet was ne’er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears: this sorrow’s heavenly; It strikes where it doth love.—She wakes. DESDEMONA Who’s there? Othello? OTHELLO Ay, Desdemona. DESDEMONA Will you come to bed, my lord? OTHELLO Have you pray’d tonight, Desdemona? DESDEMONA Ay, my lord. OTHELLO If you bethink yourself of any crime Unreconcil’d as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. DESDEMONA Alack, my lord, what may you mean by that? OTHELLO Well, do it, and be brief; I will walk by. I would not kill thy unpreparèd spirit; No,—heaven forfend!—I would not kill thy soul. DESDEMONA Talk you of killing? OTHELLO Ay, I do. DESDEMONA Then heaven have mercy on me! OTHELLO Amen, with all my heart! DESDEMONA If you say so, I hope you will not kill me. OTHELLO Hum! DESDEMONA And yet I fear you; for you are fatal then When your eyes roll so: why I should fear I know not, Since guiltiness I know not; but yet I feel I fear. OTHELLO Think on thy sins. DESDEMONA They are loves I bear to you. OTHELLO Ay, and for that thou diest. DESDEMONA That death’s unnatural that kills for loving.— Alas, why gnaw you so your nether lip? Some bloody passion shakes your very frame: These are portents; but yet I hope, I hope, They do not point on me. OTHELLO Peace, and be still! DESDEMONA I will so. What’s the matter? OTHELLO That handkerchief which I so loved and gave thee Thou gav’st to Cassio. DESDEMONA