Rome’s impact on Judaism stretched far beyond military might—and Roman concepts of law, power, political influence, architecture, and much more, left a deep impact on Judaism, then as now.69 A century after the Antonine Constitution grants citizenship to Jews, a more momentous imperial change rocks their world: the early fourth-century conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity.
For further reading
Primary sources in English Translation
Josephus, The Jewish War, trans. Martin Hammond, with an introduction and notes by Martin Goodman, Oxford, 2017.
Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, 3 vols., ed. with introductions, translations and commentary by Menahem Stern, Jerusalem, 1974–84.
The Mishnah, translated from the Hebrew, with introduction and brief explanatory notes, by Herbert Danby, Oxford, 1972.
Philo of Alexandria, The Embassy to Gaius (vol. 10, LCL 379, 1962, repr. 1971), and Flaccus (vol. 9, LCL 363, 1962, repr. 1985), trans. Francis H. Colson, Cambridge.
Margaret H. Williams, ed., The Jews among the Greeks and Romans. A Diasporan Sourcebook,
Baltimore/MD, 1998.
Secondary Reading
Shaye J. D. Cohen, The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties, Berkeley/CA, 1999.
Natalie B. Dohrmann, »Can ›Law‹ Be Private? The Mixed Message of Rabbinic Oral Law.« In Public and Private in Ancient Mediterranean Law and Religion, ed. Clifford Ando and Jörg Rüpke. RVV 65, Berlin, 2015, 187–216.
Martin Goodman, Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations, London, 2007.
Catherine Hezser, The Social Structure of the Rabbinic Movement in Roman Palestine, TSAJ 66, Tübingen, 1997.
Peter Schäfer, Judeophobia: Attitudes toward the Jews in the Ancient World, Cambridge/MA, 1997.
Peter Schäfer, ed., The Bar Kokhbah War Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome, TSAJ 100, Tübingen, 2003.
Seth Schwartz, Imperialism and Jewish Society: 200 B.C.E to 640 CE, Princeton/NJ, 2001.
L. Michael White, »Epilogue as Prologue: Herod and the Jewish Experience of Augustan Rule,« in The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus, ed. Karl Galinsky, Cambridge, 2007, 361–87.
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