Генри Уодсуорт Лонгфелло

Birds of Passage

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Of earthly wants and aspirations high,

       Come from the influence of an unseen star,

       An undiscovered planet in our sky.

      And as the moon from some dark gate of cloud

       Throws o'er the sea a floating bridge of light,

       Across whose trembling planks our fancies crowd

       Into the realm of mystery and night,--

      So from the world of spirits there descends

       A bridge of light, connecting it with this,

       O'er whose unsteady floor, that sways and bends,

       Wander our thoughts above the dark abyss.

      In the Churchyard at Cambridge

       Table of Contents

      In the village churchyard she lies,

       Dust is in her beautiful eyes,

       No more she breathes, nor feels, nor stirs;

       At her feet and at her head

       Lies a slave to attend the dead,

       But their dust is white as hers.

      Was she a lady of high degree,

       So much in love with the vanity

       And foolish pomp of this world of ours?

       Or was it Christian charity,

       And lowliness and humility,

       The richest and rarest of all dowers?

      Who shall tell us? No one speaks;

       No color shoots into those cheeks,

       Either of anger or of pride,

       At the rude question we have asked;

       Nor will the mystery be unmasked

       By those who are sleeping at her side.

      Hereafter?--And do you think to look

       On the terrible pages of that Book

       To find her failings, faults, and errors?

       Ah, you will then have other cares,

       In your own short-comings and despairs,

       In your own secret sins and terrors!

      The Emperor's Bird's-Nest

       Table of Contents

      Once the Emperor Charles of Spain,

       With his swarthy, grave commanders,

       I forget in what campaign,

       Long besieged, in mud and rain,

       Some old frontier town of Flanders.

      Up and down the dreary camp,

       In great boots of Spanish leather,

       Striding with a measured tramp,

       These Hidalgos, dull and damp,

       Cursed the Frenchmen, cursed the weather.

      Thus as to and fro they went,

       Over upland and through hollow,

       Giving their impatience vent,

       Perched upon the Emperor's tent,

       In her nest, they spied a swallow.

      Yes, it was a swallow's nest,

       Built of clay and hair of horses,

       Mane, or tail, or dragoon's crest,

       Found on hedge-rows east and west,

       After skirmish of the forces.

      Then an old Hidalgo said,

       As he twirled his gray mustachio,

       "Sure this swallow overhead

       Thinks the Emperor's tent a shed,

       And the Emperor but a Macho!"

      Hearing his imperial name

       Coupled with those words of malice,

       Half in anger, half in shame,

       Forth the great campaigner came

       Slowly from his canvas palace.

      "Let no hand the bird molest,"

       Said he solemnly, "nor hurt her!"

       Adding then, by way of jest,

       "Golondrina is my guest,

       'Tis the wife of some deserter!"

      Swift as bowstring speeds a shaft,

       Through the camp was spread the rumor,

       And the soldiers, as they quaffed

       Flemish beer at dinner, laughed

       At the Emperor's pleasant humor.

      So unharmed and unafraid

       Sat the swallow still and brooded,

       Till the constant cannonade

       Through the walls a breach had made,

       And the siege was thus concluded.

      Then the army, elsewhere bent,

       Struck its tents as if disbanding,

       Only not the Emperor's tent,

       For he ordered, ere he went,

       Very curtly, "Leave it standing!"

      So it stood there all alone,

       Loosely flapping, torn and tattered,

       Till the brood was fledged and flown,

       Singing o'er those walls of stone

       Which the cannon-shot had shattered.

      The Two Angels

       Table of Contents

      Two angels, one of Life and one of Death,

       Passed o'er our village as the morning broke;

       The dawn was on their faces, and beneath,

       The sombre houses hearsed with plumes of smoke.

      Their attitude and aspect were the same,

       Alike their features and their robes of white;

       But one was crowned with amaranth, as with flame,

       And one with asphodels, like flakes of light.

      I saw them pause on their celestial way;

       Then said I, with deep fear and doubt oppressed,

       "Beat not so loud, my heart, lest thou betray

       The place where thy beloved are at rest!"

      And he who wore the crown of asphodels,

       Descending, at my door began to knock,

       And my soul sank within me, as in wells

       The waters sink before an earthquake's shock.

      I recognized the nameless agony,

       The terror and the tremor and the pain,

       That oft before had filled or haunted me,

       And now returned with threefold strength again.

      The door I opened to my heavenly guest,

       And listened, for I thought I heard God's voice;

       And, knowing whatsoe'er