
The Odyssey of Homer

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infant years. He open’d his broad chamber-valves, and sat On his couch-side: then putting off his vest Of softest texture, placed it in the hands Of the attendant dame discrete, who first Folding it with exactest care, beside His bed suspended it, and, going forth, Drew by its silver ring the portal close, 560 And fasten’d it with bolt and brace secure. There lay Telemachus, on finest wool Reposed, contemplating all night his course Prescribed by Pallas to the Pylian shore.

      1 We are told that Homer was under obligations to Mentes, who had frequently given him a passage in his ship to different countries which he wished to see, for which reason he has here immortalised him.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      Telemachus having convened an assembly of the Greecians, publicly calls on the Suitors to relinquish the house of Ulysses. During the continuance of the Council he has much to suffer from the petulance of the Suitors, from whom, having informed them of his design to undertake a voyage in hope to obtain news of Ulysses, he asks a ship, with all things necessary for the purpose. He is refused, but is afterwards furnished with what he wants by Minerva, in the form of Mentor. He embarks in the evening without the privity of his mother, and the Goddess sails with him.

      Aurora, rosy daughter of the dawn,

       Now ting’d the East, when habited again,

       Uprose Ulysses’ offspring from his bed.

       Athwart his back his faulchion keen he flung,

       His sandals bound to his unsullied feet,

       And, godlike, issued from his chamber-door.

       At once the clear-voic’d heralds he enjoin’d

       To call the Greeks to council; they aloud

       Gave forth the summons, and the throng began.

       When all were gather’d, and the assembly full, 10

       Himself, his hand arm’d with a brazen spear,

       Went also; nor alone he went; his hounds

       Fleet-footed follow’d him, a faithful pair.

       O’er all his form Minerva largely shed

       Majestic grace divine, and, as he went,

       The whole admiring concourse gaz’d on him,

       The seniors gave him place, and down he sat

       On his paternal Throne. Then grave arose

       The Hero, old Ægyptius; bow’d with age

       Was he, and by experience deep-inform’d. 20

       His son had with Ulysses, godlike Chief,

       On board his fleet to steed-fam’d Ilium gone,

       The warrior Antiphus, whom in his cave

       The savage Cyclops slew, and on his flesh

       At ev’ning made obscene his last regale.

       Three sons he had beside, a suitor one,

       Eurynomus; the other two, employ

       Found constant managing their Sire’s concerns.

       Yet he forgat not, father as he was

       Of these, his absent eldest, whom he mourn’d 30

       Ceaseless, and thus his speech, weeping, began.

       Hear me, ye men of Ithaca, my friends!

       Nor council here nor session hath been held

       Since great Ulysses left his native shore.

       Who now convenes us? what especial need

       Hath urged him, whether of our youth he be,

       Or of our senators by age matured?

       Have tidings reach’d him of our host’s return,

       Which here he would divulge? or brings he aught

       Of public import on a diff’rent theme? 40

       I deem him, whosoe’er he be, a man

       Worthy to prosper, and may Jove vouchsafe

       The full performance of his chief desire!

       He ended, and Telemachus rejoiced

       In that good omen. Ardent to begin,

       He sat not long, but, moving to the midst,

       Received the sceptre from Pisenor’s hand,

       His prudent herald, and addressing, next,

       The hoary Chief Ægyptius, thus began.

       Not far remote, as thou shalt soon thyself 50

       Perceive, oh venerable Chief! he stands,

       Who hath convened this council. I, am He.

       I am in chief the suff’rer. Tidings none

       Of the returning host I have received,

       Which here I would divulge, nor bring I aught

       Of public import on a different theme,

       But my own trouble, on my own house fall’n,

       And two-fold fall’n. One is, that I have lost

       A noble father, who, as fathers rule

       Benign their children, govern’d once yourselves; 60

       The other, and the more alarming ill,

       With ruin threatens my whole house, and all

       My patrimony with immediate waste.

       Suitors, (their children who in this our isle

       Hold highest rank) importunate besiege

       My mother, though desirous not to wed,

       And rather than resort to her own Sire

       Icarius, who might give his daughter dow’r,

       And portion her to whom he most approves,

       (A course which, only named, moves their disgust) 70

       They chuse, assembling all within my gates

       Daily to make my beeves, my sheep, my goats

       Their banquet, and to drink without restraint

       My wine; whence ruin threatens