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Taking a stance: The role of critical literacies in learning with literature in a world at risk
Frauke Matz
1. Introduction: English Language Education as ‘Political Activity’ and ‘Moral Act’
Education is, in essence, both “a political activity” (Akbari 2008: 277) and “a moral act” (Jackson 2019: 144) and should enable young people to not just think critically, to reflect on society and their role within it, but it should also allow them to take a stance on their own rights and those of others – this also holds true for learning with literary texts in foreign language classrooms. Critical pedagogy aims to do just this and more, as it “seeks empowerment and social transformation” (Banegas/Villacañas de Castro 2016: 455). However, although aspects of critical theory have left a lasting effect on the German school curricula, critical pedagogy has yet to play a prominent role through binding curricular guidelines or regarding research within the field of English as foreign language education in general and in literature didactics in particular.1 Nonetheless, the German curricula for learning English at higher levels do entail aspects that appear to be closely related to critical pedagogy, if not in name but in spirit. Language education is envisaged to play a significant role in enabling students to achieve the so-called overall educational aims (allgemeine Bildungsziele), amongst which are political responsibility and independent critical judgment (cf. KMK 2005: 7). Hence, it seems that German foreign language education at an advanced level already relates to the classroom context and aims at “social transformation through education” (Akbari 2008: 276). The “questions of social justice and social change”, which are at the heart of critical pedagogy, are also the underlying questions of the compulsory topics within the English as a foreign language lessons. These include “political, social and cultural realities and their historical backgrounds” as well as “global challenges and visions of the future” (QUA-LiS 2020: 4-6), which serve as the basis for teaching, learning and assessing students at higher levels. Therefore, Ramin Akbari’s (2008: 278) concern that “language teaching is viewed mainly as cognitive activity with few socio-political implications” and that even “when the social dimensions of language are acknowledged, the social reality of language learning