William Petty

Reflections upon some Persons and Things in Ireland

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whom D. Petty had crost in their designs, a cause. 94 VI. A Digression touching the crafty method, wherein D. Petty's Adversaries began to trouble him. 94 An account of Sir Hieroms demanding certain Papers in the Parliament. 95 VII. The wresting the Employment of setting out Lands, out of D. Petty's hands, a cause. 97 VIII. Sir Hierom Sanky's Endeavours to raise himself by subverting D. Petty, a cause. 97 Several other Instances of Sir Hieroms Vanity and Ambition. 99 IX. The bringing Sir Hierom Sankey off from his first rash miscarriage, a cause. 102


      Sect. 6. p. 104.

      Causes of Dr. Petty's troubles, as they arose from the Envy and Hatred of the People, consisting of several parties and Interests promiscuously.

I. DIscontent among the Surveyors. 104
II. The difficulty and impossibility of distinguishing between profitable and unprofitable Land. 105
III. The hopeful Method of Dr. Petty's beginning the Survey, a cause of Envy. 106
IV. The Surveyors and others reflecting upon their own merit. 107
V. Dr. Petty being forced to collect Money from above 500 Members of the Army, a cause much wrangling. 108
VI. Dr. Petty's too much and too great variety of business, a cause of displeasing many. 109
VII. Mens own guilt and jealousie who had back-bitten Dr. Petty. 110
Dr. Petty's strictness in discharge of his trust, with the reasons of it. 111
VIII. The conveniency which the Agents of the Army and others had to excuse their own miscarriages, by laying them upon D. Petty. 112
An Intimation of some miscarriages of the said Agents. 112
IX. The fewness and often absence of Dr. Petty's fellow Commissioners, a cause. 116
The validity and unalterableness of what D. Petty did, a cause. 117
X. Iests, &c: a cause. 117
XI. D. Petty not being a Member of any particular Church, nor votary to any particular Faction, a cause why all Sectaries and Factious persons were jealous of him. 118
XII. Petty's preferring the L. Lieutenants business before that of other particular Mens, a cause. 119
D. Petty's not courting some Grandees, to prevent jealousie in the Lord Lieut., another cause. 120
XIII. The fewness of those who understood the business of setting out Lands, was the reason why D. Petty could not be seasonably vindicated. 121
XIV. His want of leisure to visit and make friendships, a cause. ibid.
XV. Dr. Petty's confidence of his Innocency, and consequently his too much neglecting clamours, a cause. 122

      Section 7.

1. A further account of the method which Dr. Petty's Enemies took to prosecute him. 123
A hint of their unchristian management of the same. ibid.
Interrogatories relating to Dr Petty's pretended Avarice, Pride, Injustice, Fraud, Unfaithfulness, &c. 125
2. Interrogatories upon his Avarice in particular. 126
3. Upon his Pride and Ambition. 128
4. Upon his Injustice. 129
5. Upon his Frauds. 131
6. As to his Unfaitfulness. 134
7. Interrogatories upon Dr Petty's Religion. 137
8. An Epilogue upon the Interrogatories. 141


1. The reason why Dr Petty speaks with freedom and contempt of Sir Hierome and Worsly. 142
2. Dr Petty's resolutions as to the tryalls of the things charged against him. 148
3. Dr Petty hath not handled Sir Hierome Sankey in that foul manner which Sir Hierome hath done him.