Baron David

The Ancient Scriptures and the Modern Jew

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       David Baron

      The Ancient Scriptures and the Modern Jew

      Published by Good Press, 2020

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066439712

       Preface to the Second Edition


       I. The Interregnum and "Afterward"

       II. The "Ichabod" Period and the Return of the Glory of Jehovah

       III. The Silence of God: How it Shall be Broken

       I. In Relation to the Church

       II. In Relation to Israel

       III. In Relation to Christendom

       IV. The Conclusion of the Hallel

       I. A Bird's-Eye View of the Jewish People

       II. The General Conditions of the Jews at the Close of the Nineteenth Century from a Jewish Point of View

       III. The Religious Condition of the Jews and Causes of Jewish Unbelief in Christ, from a Christian Point of View

       IV. Religious Divisions and Sects Among the Jewish People

       V. The Present Attitude of the Jews in the Relation to Christianity

       VI. Anti-Semitism

       VII. Zionism and the Zionist Congress

       VIII. Israel's Mission to the World, and the Church's Mission to Israel

       IX. Anglo-Israelism and the True History of the Ten "Lost" Tribes

       Appendix I.

       Appendix II.

       Appendix III.



       Table of Contents

      THE printing of a second edition of this book within the same year that the first edition was published is a matter of thankfulness to the author, who has received a large number of appreciative letters about it; and it may be regarded as a proof of growing interest in the stupendous question with which it deals.

      The press notices, too, have, on the whole, been favourable. What adverse criticism there has been, has, so far as I know, been directed almost entirely against the expository part of the volume, partly on account of my attitude in relation to the views of a certain school of modern criticism with regard to the Old Testament Scriptures. Some of my reviewers have also expressed regret that the subject of the "Modern Jew," which is so interesting in itself, should not have been treated independently of the Scriptures. But "I believe, and therefore have I spoken." The Jew still remains the most irrefutable witness to the historical character and ​supernatural element of the Scripture narrative, and it is only in the light of the revealed plan, that we can see light, on the very comprehensive and perplexing "Jewish Question," which, apart from Scripture, will for ever remain an enigma beyond solution.

      September 29th 1901.


       Table of Contents

      ONE or two explanations are all that is necessary by way of preface to this work. It will be noticed that it is divided into two parts. The first consists of connected expositions of some of the most striking pro- phetic utterances in the ancient Scriptures. They are in- dependent Bible Studies of very solemn and momentous subjects, but arranged in a continuous and progressive order, showing that the revolving centuries unfold an eternal purpose, and that prophecy was history written in advance, in order, as I said elsewhere, " that in suc- ceeding ages men, by comparing the Divine forecasts in Scripture with the actual condition of things, might learn to know that there is an omniscient God ; one who first makes His counsel known, and then causes all things to work together towards the carrying out, and fulfilment, of that which He declared beforehand, should come to pass."

      I have had no controversial end in view in writing these pages, my aim being simply, by the help of God, to show the harmonies of Scripture, and to unfold His wonderful and gracious purposes as revealed in His holy Word. While so engaged my eyes and heart have been continually lifted up to the God of Israel, not only for light and guidance, but that He would condescend to use this inadequate and unworthy effort, as a means of blessing and spiritual profit to His people.

      It was my intention, had time permitted, to add four or five other expositions to the first part of the volume, but much pressure of other work, in this country and abroad, has prevented my doing so at present.

      In the second part, in which I have embodied material from some of my articles in The Scattered Nation, and from one or two previously published booklets, my aim has been to present from a Christian and Bible stand- point an all-round view of " The Jewish Question " a question which will press itself more and more upon the attention of the nations, and the development of which must be watched with the greatest possible inte- rest by all intelligent observers of the signs of the times, who believe in the words of the Psalmist, that " when the Lord shall rebuild Zion, He shall appear in His glory."

      To those who are themselves " watchmen on the walls of Zion," some of the facts in the second part may be already familiar, but I venture in all modesty to quote the following words of Pascal, as applicable to this part of the book : " Let no one say I have said nothing new. The disposition of my matter is new. In playing tennis two men play with the same ball, but one places it better. It might as truly be said that my words have been used before. And if the same thoughts in a diffe- rent arrangement do not form a different discourse, so neither do the same words in a different arrangement form different thoughts."