Horace Kephart

Our Southern Highlanders

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      The cabin shook under a heavier blast, to match Bill’s yarn.

      “Old Wind-maker’s blowin’ liars out o’ North Car’lina. Hang on to yer hat, Doc! Whoop! hear ’em a-comin’!”

      “Durn this blow, anyhow! No bear ’ll cross the mountain sich a night as this.”

      “Can’t we hunt down on the Carolina side?” I asked.

      “That’s whar we’re goin’ to drive; but hit’s no use if the bear don’t come over.”

      “How is that? Do they sleep in one State and eat in the other?”

      “Yes: you see, the Tennessee side of the mountain is powerful steep and laurely, so ’t man nor dog cain’t git over it in lots o’ places; that’s whar the bears den. But the mast, sich as acorns and beech and hickory nuts, is mostly on the Car’lina side; that’s whar they hafter come to feed. So, when it blows like this, they stay at home and suck their paws till the weather clars.”

      “So we’ll have to do, at this rate.”

      “I’ll go see whut the el-e-ments looks like.”

      “The older dog don’t ginerally raise no ruction; hit’s the younger one that’s ill,” by which he meant vicious. “You, Coaly, you’ll git some o’ that meanness shuck outen you if you tackle an old she-bear to-morrow!”

      “Has the young dog ever fought a bear?”

      “No; he don’t know nothin’; but I reckon he’ll pick up some larnin’ in the next two, three days.”

      “Have these dogs got the Plott strain? I’ve been told that the Plott hounds are the best bear dogs in the country.”

      “ ’Tain’t so,” snorted John. “The Plott curs are the best: that is, half hound, half cur—though what we-uns calls the cur, in this case, raelly comes from a big furrin dog that I don’t rightly know the breed of. Fellers, you can talk as you please about a streak o’ the cur spilin’ a dog; but I know hit ain’t so—not for bear fightin’ in these mountains, whar you cain’t foller up on hossback, but hafter do your own runnin’.”

      “What is the reason, John?”

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