Washington Irving

The Student's Life of Washington; Condensed from the Larger Work of Washington Irving

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XXIV. Incidents of the Camp.—Arnold before Quebec. XXV. Washington's Perplexities.—New York in Danger. XXVI. Attack on Quebec.—Affairs in New York. XXVII. Movements before Boston.—Its Evacuation. XXVIII. Reverses in Canada.—The Highlands.—Close of the Invasion of Canada. XXIX. The Army in New York. XXX. Proceedings of Lord Howe.—Gates and Schuyler. XXXI. The War in the South.—Affairs in the Highlands. XXXII. Battle of Long Island.—Retreat. XXXIII. Retreat from New York Island. XXXIV. Retreat through Westchester County.—Battle of White Plains. XXXV. Washington at Peekskill.—The Northern Army. XXXVI. Capture of Fort Washington and Garrison.—Retreat through New Jersey. XXXVII. Retreat across the Delaware.—Battle of Trenton. XXXVIII. Washington recrosses the Delaware.—Battle of Princeton. XXXIX. The Army at Morristown.—Attack on Peekskill. XL. The Northern Army.—British Expedition to Connecticut. XLI. The Highlands.—Movements of the Army. XLII. Invasion from Canada. XLIII. Exploits and Movements.—Howe in the Chesapeake. XLIV. Advance of Burgoyne.—Battle of Oriskany.—Battle of Bennington. XLV. Battle of the Brandywine.—Fall of Philadelphia. XLVI. The Northern Invasion.—Fall of the Highland Forts.—Defeat and Surrender of Burgoyne. XLVII. Battle of Germantown.—Hostilities on the Delaware. XLVIII. The Army on the Schuylkill.—At Valley Forge.—The Conway Cabal. XLIX. Exploits of Lee and Lafayette.—British Commissioners. L. Evacuation of Philadelphia.—Battle of Monmouth Court House. LI. Arrival of a French Fleet.—Massacre at Wyoming Valley.—Capture of Savannah. LII. Washington in Philadelphia.—Indian Warfare.—Capture of Stony Point.—Ravages in Connecticut.—Repulse at Savannah. LIII. Army at Morristown.—Arnold in Philadelphia.—Charleston Besieged. LIV. Discontents in the Army.—Fall of Charleston. LV. Marauds in the Jerseys.—The French Fleet at Newport. LVI. Battle of Camden. LVII. The Treason of Arnold.—Trial and Execution of André. LVIII. Plan to entrap Arnold.—Projects against New York. LIX. The War in the South.—Battle of King's Mountain. LX. Hostilities in the South.—Mutiny. LXI. Battle of the Cowpens.—Battle of Guilford Court-house. LXII. The War in Virginia.—Demonstrations against New York. LXIII. Ravages in Virginia.—Operations in Carolina.—Attack on New London. LXIV. Operations before Yorktown.—Greene in the South. LXV. Siege and Surrender of Yorktown. LXVI. Dissolution of the Combined Armies.—Discontents in the Army. LXVII. News of Peace.—Washington's Farewell to the Army, and Resignation of his Commission. LXVIII. Washington at Mount Vernon. LXIX. The Constitutional Convention.—Washington elected President.