Jagadis Chandra Bose

Response in the Living and Non-Living

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of Effect under Rapidly Succeeding Stimuli in Muscle and in Plant3618.Additive Effect of Singly Ineffective Stimuli on Plant3719.‘Staircase Effect’ in Plant3720.Appearance of Fatigue in Plant under Shortened Period of Rest3921.Fatigue in Celery4022.Fatigue in Cauliflower-stalk4123.Fatigue from Previous Overstrain4124.Fatigue under Continuous Stimulation in Celery4225.Effect of Rest in Removal of Fatigue in Plant4326.Diphasic Variation in Plant4627, 28.Abnormal Positive Responses in Stale Plant transformed into Normal Negative Under Strong Stimulation48, 4929.Radial E.M. Variation5030.Curves showing the Relation between Intensity of Stimulus and Response in Muscle and Nerve5231.Increasing Responses to Increasing Stimuli (Taps) in Plants5232.Increasing Responses to Increasing Vibrational Stimuli in Plants5333.Responses to Increasing Stimuli in Fresh and Stale Specimens of Plants5434.Apparent Diminution of Response caused by Fatigue under Strong Stimulation5735.Diminution of Response in Eucharis Lily at Low Temperature6136.Records showing the Difference in the Effects of Low Temperature on Ivy, Holly, and Eucharis Lily6237.Plant Chamber for Studying the Effect of Temperature and Anæsthetics6438.Effect of High Temperature on Plant Response6439.After-effect on the Response due to Temperature Variation6640.Records of Responses in Eucharis Lily during Rise and Fall of Temperature6741.Curve showing Variation of Sensitiveness during a Cycle of Temperature Variation6842.Record of Effect of Steam in Abolition of Response at Death of Plant6943.Effect of Chloroform on Nerve Response7244.Effect of Chloroform on the Responses of Carrot7445.Action of Chloral Hydrate on Plant Responses7546.Action of Formalin on Radish7547.Action of Sodium Hydrate in Abolishing the Response in Plant7848.Stimulating Action of Poison in Small Doses in Plants7949.The Poisonous Effect of Stronger Dose of KOH7950.Block Method for obtaining Response in Tin8351.Response To Mechanical Stimulation in a Zn-Cu Couple8552.Electric Response in Metal by the Method of Relative Depression (Negative Variation)8853.Method of Relative Exaltation8954.Various Cases of Positive and Negative Variation9055.Modifications of the Block Method for Exhibiting Electric Response in Metals9356.Equal and Opposite Responses given by Two Ends of the Wire9557.Top View of the Vibration Cell9658.Influence of Annealing in the Enhancement of Response in Metals10159.Uniform Electric Responses in Metals10260.Persistence of After-effect10561.Prolongation of Period of Recovery after Overstrain10662.Molecular Model10763, 64.Effects of Removal of Molecular Sluggishness in Quickened Recovery and Heightened Response in Metals109, 11065.Effect of Temperature on Response in Metals11166.Diphasic Variation in Metals11367.Negative, Diphasic, and Positive Resultant Response in Metals11568.Continuous Transformation from Negative to Positive through Intermediate Diphasic Response11669.Fatigue in Muscle11870.Fatigue in Platinum11871.Fatigue in Tin11972.Appearance of Fatigue due to Shortening the Period of Recovery12073.Fatigue in Metal under Continuous Stimulation12174.‘Staircase’ Response in Muscle and in Metal12275.Abnormal Response in Nerve converted into Normal under Continued Stimulation12476, 77.Abnormal Response in Tin and Platinum converted into Normal under Continued Stimulation12578.Gradual Transition from Abnormal to Normal Response in Platinum12679.Increase of Response in Nerve after Continuous Stimulation12780, 81.Response in Tin and Platinum Enhanced after Continuous Stimulation127, 12882.Magnetic Analogue13283, 84.Records of Responses to Increasing Stimuli in Tin134, 13585.Ineffective Stimulus becoming Effective by Superposition13586.Incomplete and Complete Fusion of Effects13687.Cyclic Curve for Maximum Effects showing Hysteresis13788.Action of Poison in Abolishing Response in Nerve13989.Action of Stimulant on Tin14190.Action of Stimulant on Platinum14291.Depressing Effect of KBr on Tin14392.Abolition of Response in Metals by ‘Poison’14393.‘Molecular Arrest’ by the Action of ‘Poison’14594.Opposite Effects of Small and Large Doses on the Response in Metals14695.Retinal Response to Light15096.Response of Sensitive Cell to Light15297.Typical Experiment on the E.M. Variation Produced by Light15498.Modification of the Photo-sensitive Cell15599.Responses in Frog’s Retina156100.Responses in Sensitive Photo-cell157101.Effect of Temperature on the Response to Light Stimulus159102.Effect of Duration of Exposure on the Response159103.Responses of Sensitive Cell to Increasing Intensities of Light161104.Relation between the Intensity of Light And Magnitude of Response162105.After-oscillation163106.Transient Positive Increase of Response in the Frog’s Retina on the Cessation of Light164107.Transient Positive Increase of Response in the Sensitive Cell165108.Decline under the Continuous Action of Light166109.Certain After-effects of Light168110.After-effect of Light of Short Duration172111.Stereoscopic Design for the Exhibition of Binocular Alternation of Vision176112.Uniform Responses in Nerve, Plant, and Metal184113.Fatigue in Muscle, Plant, and Metal185114.‘Staircase’ Effect in Muscle, Plant, and Metal186115.Increase of Response after Continuous Stimulation in Nerve and Metal186116.Modified Abnormal Response in Nerve and Metal Transformed into Normal Response after Continuous Stimulation187117.Action of the same