for banter and he was at once in hot water; if he took it good-naturedly he was one of the crowd in spirit; but in either case he didn’t get his hat without begging or fighting for it. This was a recognized custom among the O-Bar-O outfit and was not intended as an insult.
Frenchy grabbed at the empty air and arose. Punching Lefty playfully in the ribs he passed his hands behind that person’s back. Not finding the lost head-gear he laughed and, tripping Lefty up, fell with him and, reaching up on the table for his glass, poured the contents down Lefty’s back and arose.
“Yu son-of-a-gun!” indignantly wailed that unfortunate. “Gee, it feels funny,” he added, grinning as he pulled the wet shirt away from his spine.
“Well, I’ve got to be amblin’,” said Frenchy, totally ignoring the loss of his hat. “Goin’ down to Buckskin,” he offered, and then asked, “When’s yore cook comin’?”
“Day after to-morrow, if he don’t get loaded,” replied Tex.
“Who is he?”
“A one-eyed Mexican—Quiensabe Antonio.”
“I used to know him. He’s a heck of a cook. Dished up th’ grub one season when I was punchin’ for th’ Tin-Cup up in Montana,” replied Frenchy.
“Oh, he kin cook now, all right.” replied Waffles.
“That’s about all he can cook. Useter wash his knives in th’ coffee pot an’ blow on di’ tins. I chased him a mile one night for leavin’ sand in th’ skillet. Yu can have him—I don’t envy yu none whatever.
“He don’t sand no skillet when little Tenspot’s around,” assured that person, slapping his holster. “Does he, Lefty?”
“If he does, yu oughter be lynched,” consoled Lefty.
“Well, so long,” remarked Frenchy, riding off to a small store, where he bought a cheap sombrero.
Frenchy was a jack-of-all-trades, having been cow-puncher, prospector, proprietor of a “hotel” in Albuquerque, foreman of a ranch, sheriff, and at one time had played angel to a venturesome but poor show troupe. Beside his versatility he was well known as the man who took the stage through the Sioux country when no one else volunteered. He could shoot with the best, but his one pride was the brand of poker he handed out. Furthermore, he had never been known to take an unjust advantage over any man and, on the contrary, had frequently voluntarily handicapped himself to make the event more interesting. But he must not be classed as being hampered with self-restraint.
His reasons for making this trip were two-fold: he wished to see Buck Peters, the foreman of the Bar-20 outfit, as he and Buck had punched cows together twenty years before and were firm friends; the other was that he wished to get square with Hopalong Cassidy, who had decisively cleaned him out the year before at poker. Hopalong played either in great good luck or the contrary, while Frenchy played an even, consistent game and usually left off richer than when he began, and this decisive defeat bothered him more than he would admit, even to himself.
The round-up season was at hand and the Bar-20 was short of ropers, the rumors of fresh gold discoveries in the Black Hills having drawn all the more restless men north. The outfit also had a slight touch of the gold fever, and only their peculiar loyalty to the ranch and the assurance of the foreman that when the work was over he would accompany them, kept them from joining the rush of those who desired sudden and much wealth as the necessary preliminary of painting some cow town in all the “bang up” style such an event would call for. Therefore they had been given orders to secure the required assistance, and they intended to do so, and were prepared to kidnap, if necessary, for the glamour of wealth and the hilarity of the vacation made the hours falter in their speed.
As Frenchy leaned back in his chair in Cowan’s saloon, Buckskin, early the next morning, planning to get revenge on Hopalong and then to recover his sombrero, he heard a medley of yells and whoops and soon the door flew open before the strenuous and concentrated entry of a mass of twisting and kicking arms and legs, which magically found their respective owners and reverted to the established order of things.
When the alkali dust had thinned he saw seven cow-punchers sitting on the prostrate form of another, who was earnestly engaged in trying to push Johnny Nelson’s head out in the street with one foot as he voiced his lucid opinion of things in general and the seven in particular. After Red Connors had been stabbed in the back several times by the victim’s energetic elbow he ran out of the room and presently returned with a pleased expression and a sombrero full of water, his finger plugging an old bullet hole in the crown.
“Is he any better, Buck?” Anxiously inquired the man with the reservoir.
“About a dollar’s worth,” replied the foreman. “Jest put a little right here,” he drawled as he pulled back the collar of the unfortunate’s shirt.
“Ow! wow! WOW!” wailed the recipient, heaving and straining. The unengaged leg was suddenly wrested loose, and as it shot up and out Billy Williams, with his pessimism aroused to a blue-ribbon pitch, sat down forcibly in an adjacent part of the room, from where he lectured between gasps on the follies of mankind and the attributes of army mules.
Red tiptoed around the squirming bunch, looking for an opening, his pleased expression now having added a grin.
“Seems to be gittin’ violent-like,” he soliloquized, as he aimed a stream at Hopalong’s ear, which showed for a second as Pete Wilson strove for a half-nelson, and he managed to include Johnny and Pete in his effort.
Several minutes later, when the storm had subsided, the woeful crowd enthusiastically urged Hopalong to the bar, where he “bought.”
“Of all th’ ornery outfits I ever saw—” began the man at the table, grinning from ear to ear at the spectacle he had just witnessed.
“Why, hullo, Frenchy! Glad to see yu, yu old son-of-a-gun! What’s th’ news from th’ Hills?” Shouted Hopalong.
“Rather locoed, an’ there’s a locoed gang that’s headin’ that way. Goin’ up?” he asked.
“Shore, after round-up. Seen any punchers trailin’ around loose?”
“Ya-as,” drawled Frenchy, delving into the possibilities suddenly opened to him and determining to utilize to the fullest extent the opportunity that had come to him unsought. “There’s nine over to Muddy Wells that yu might git if yu wants them bad enough. They’ve got a sombrero of mine,” he added deprecatingly.
“Nine! Twisted Jerusalem, Buck! Nine whole cow-punchers a-pinin’ for work,” he shouted, but then added thoughtfully, “Mebby they’s engaged,” it being one of the courtesies of the land not to take another man’s help.
“Nope. They’ve stampeded for th’ Hills an’ left their boss all alone,” replied Frenchy, well knowing that such desertion would not, in the minds of the Bar-20 men, add any merits to the case of the distant outfit.
“Th’ sons-of-guns,” said Hopalong, “let’s go an’ get ‘em,” he suggested, turning to Buck, who nodded a smiling assent.
“Oh, what’s the hurry?” Asked Frenchy, seeing his projected game slipping away into the uncertain future and happy in the thought that he would be avenged on the O-Bar-O outfit.
“They’ll be there till to-morrow noon—they’s waitin’ for their cookie, who’s goin’ with them.”
“A cook! A cook! Oh, joy, a cook!” exulted Johnny, not for one instant doubting Buck’s ability to capture the whole outfit and seeing a whirl of excitement in the effort.
“Anybody we knows?” Inquired Skinny Thompson.
“Shore. Tenspot Davis, Waffles, Salvation Carroll, Bigfoot Baker, Charley Lane, Lefty Allen, Kid Morris, Curley Tate an’ Tex Le Blanc,” responded Frenchy.
“Umm-m. Might as well rope a blizzard,” grumbled Billy. “Might as well try to git th’ Seventh Cavalry. We’ll