0 1 0 Charles Wesley, Hymns: Any hymn-book 0 1 0 THOMAS GRAY, Samuel Johnson, William Collins, Poems: Muses' Library 0 1 0 James Macpherson (Ossian), Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 THOMAS CHATTERTON, Poems: Muses' Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 WILLIAM COWPER, Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 WILLIAM COWPER, Letters: World's Classics 0 1 0 George Crabbe, Poems: Methuen's Little Library 0 1 6 WILLIAM BLAKE, Poems: Muses' Library 0 1 0 William Lisle Bowles, Hartley Coleridge, Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 ROBERT BURNS, Works: Globe Edition 0 3 6 £1 7 0
£ s. d.
39 prose-writers in 60 volumes, costing 5 1 0
18 poets " 18 " " 1 7 0
57 78 £6 8 0
Chapter XIII
An English Library: Period III
The catalogue of necessary authors of this third and last period being so long, it is convenient to divide the prose writers into Imaginative and Non-imaginative.
In the latter half of the period the question of copyright affects our scheme to a certain extent, because it affects prices. Fortunately it is the fact that no single book of recognised first-rate general importance is conspicuously dear. Nevertheless, I have encountered difficulties in the second rank; I have dealt with them in a spirit of compromise. I think I may say that, though I should have included a few more authors had their books been obtainable at a reasonable price, I have omitted none that I consider indispensable to a thoroughly representative collection. No living author is included.
Where I do not specify the edition of a book the original copyright edition is meant.
£ s. d.
SIR WALTER SCOTT, Waverley, Heart of Midlothian, Quentin Durward, Redgauntlet, Ivanhoe: Everyman's Library (5 vols.) 0 5 0 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Marmion, etc.: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 Charles Lamb, Works in Prose and Verse: Clarendon Press (2 vols.) 0 4 0 Charles Lamb, Letters: Newnes's Thin-Paper Classics 0 2 0 Walter Savage Landor, Imaginary Conversations: Scott Library 0 1 0 Walter Savage Landor, Poems: Canterbury Poets 0 1 0 Leigh Hunt, Essays and Sketches: World's Classics 0 1 0 Thomas Love Peacock, Principal Novels: New Universal Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 Mary Russell Mitford, Our Village: Scott Library 0 1 0 Michael Scott, Tom Cringle's Log: Macmillan's Illustrated Novels 0 2 6 Frederick Marryat, Mr. Midshipman Easy: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 John Galt, Annals of the Parish: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Susan Ferrier, Marriage: Routledge's edition 0 2 0 Douglas Jerrold, Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures: World's Classics 0 1 0 Lord Lytton, Last Days of Pompeii: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 William Carleton, Stories: Scott Library 0 1 0 Charles James Lever, Harry Lorrequer: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Harrison Ainsworth, The Tower of London: New Universal Library 0 1 0 George Henry Borrow, Bible in Spain, Lavengro: New Universal Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 Lord Beaconsfield, Sybil, Coningsby: Lane's New Pocket Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 W. M. THACKERAY, Vanity Fair, Esmond: Everyman's Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 W. M. THACKERAY, Barry Lyndon, and Roundabout Papers, etc.: Nelson's New Century Library 0 2 0 CHARLES DICKENS, Works: Everyman's Library (18 vols.) 0 18 0 Charles Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Anthony Trollope, Barchester Towers, Framley Parsonage: Lane's New Pocket Library (2 vols.) 0 2 0 Charles Kingsley, Westward Ho!: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Henry Kingsley, Ravenshoe: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, Professor, and Poems: World's Classics (4 vols.) 0 4 0 Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights: World's Classics 0 1 0 Elizabeth Gaskell, Cranford: World's Classics 0 1 0 Elizabeth Gaskell, Life of Charlotte Brontë 0 2 6 George Eliot, Adam Bede, Silas Marner, The Mill on the Floss: Everyman's Library (3 vols.) 0 3 0 G. J. Whyte-Melville, The Gladiators: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Alexander Smith, Dreamthorpe: New Universal Library 0 1 0 George Macdonald, Malcolm 0 1 6 Walter Pater, Imaginary Portraits 0 6 0 Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White 0 1 0 R. D. Blackmore, Lorna Doone: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Samuel Butler, Erewhon: Fifield's Edition 0 2 6 Laurence Oliphant, Altiora Peto 0 3 6 Margaret Oliphant, Salem Chapel: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Richard Jefferies, Story of My Heart 0 2 0 Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland: Macmillan's Cheap Edition 0 1 0 John Henry Shorthouse, John Inglesant: Macmillan's Pocket Classics 0 2 0 R. L. Stevenson, Master of Ballantrae, Virginibus Puerisque: Pocket Edition (2 vols.) 0 4 0 George Gissing, The Odd Women: Popular Edition (bound) 0 0 7 £5 0 1
Names such as those of Charlotte Yonge and Dinah Craik are omitted intentionally.
£ s. d.
William Hazlitt, Spirit of the Age: World's Classics 0 1 0 William Hazlitt, English Poets and Comic Writers: Bohn's Library 0 3 6 Francis Jeffrey, Essays from Edinburgh Review: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Thomas de Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-eater, etc.: Scott Library 0 1 0 Sydney Smith, Selected Papers: Scott Library 0 1 0 George Finlay, Byzantine Empire: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 John G. Lockhart, Life of Scott: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Agnes Strickland, Life of Queen Elizabeth: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Hugh Miller, Old Red Sandstone: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 J. H. Newman, Apologia pro vita sua: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Lord Macaulay, History of England, (3), Essays (2): Everyman's Library (5 vols.) 0 5 0 A. P. Stanley, Memorials of Canterbury: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 THOMAS CARLYLE, French Revolution (2), Cromwell (3), Sartor Resartus and Heroes and Hero-Worship (1): Everyman's Library (6 vols.) 0 6 0 THOMAS CARLYLE, Latter-day Pamphlets: Chapman and Hall's Edition 0 1 0 CHARLES DARWIN, Origin of Species: Murray's Edition 0 1 0 CHARLES DARWIN, Voyage of the Beagle: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 A. W. Kinglake, Eothen: New Universal Library 0 1 0 John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte and Positivism: New Universal Library 0 1 0 John Brown, Horæ Subsecivæ: World's Classics 0 1 0 John Brown, Rab and His Friends: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Sir Arthur Helps, Friends in Council: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Mark Pattison, Life of Milton: English Men of Letters Series 0 1 0 F. W. Robertson, On Religion and Life: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Benjamin Jowett, Interpretation of Scripture: Routledge's London Library 0 2 6 George Henry Lewes, Principles of Success in Literature: Scott Library 0 1 0 Alexander Bain, Mind and Body 0 4 0 James Anthony Froude, Dissolution of the Monasteries, etc.: New Universal Library 0 1 0 Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Women: Scott Library 0 1 0 John Tyndall, Glaciers of the Alps: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Sir Henry Maine, Ancient Law: New Universal Library 0 1 0 JOHN RUSKIN, Seven Lamps (1), Sesame and Lilies (1), Stones of Venice (3): George Allen's Cheap Edition (5 vols.) 0 5 0 HERBERT SPENCER, First Principles (2 vols.) 0 2 0 HERBERT SPENCER, Education 0 1 0 Sir Richard Burton, Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Mecca: Bohn's Edition (2 vols.) 0 7 0 J. S. Speke, Sources of the Nile: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 Thomas Henry Huxley, Essays: Everyman's Library 0 1 0 E. A. Freeman, Europe: Macmillan's Primers 0 1 0 WILLIAM STUBBS, Early Plantagenets 0 2 0 Walter Bagehot, Lombard Street 0 3 6 Richard Holt Hutton, Cardinal Newman 0 3 6 Sir John Seeley, Ecce Homo: New Universal Library 0 1 0 David Masson, Thomas de Quincey: English Men of Letters Series 0 1 0 John Richard Green, Short History of the English People 0 8 6 Sir Leslie Stephen, Pope: English Men of Letters Series 0 1 0 Lord Acton, On the Study of History 0 2 6 Mandell Creighton, The Age of Elizabeth 0 2 6 F. W. H. Myers, Wordsworth: English Men of Letters Series 0 1 0 £4 10 6
The following authors are omitted, I think justifiably:—Hallam, Whewell, Grote, Faraday, Herschell, Hamilton, John Wilson, Richard Owen, Stirling Maxwell, Buckle,