International Military Tribunal

The Nuremberg Trials: Complete Tribunal Proceedings (V. 9)

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camps existed in Germany and in the occupied territories.

      MILCH: It was completely unknown to me. I have already mentioned the two camps whose existence was known to me.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: It could be held against you that it must have been impossible not to know of these facts. Can you explain to us why it was not possible for you to obtain better information regarding existing conditions?

      MILCH: Because the people who knew about these conditions did not talk about them, and presumably were not allowed to talk about them. I understand this to be so from a document in the Indictment against the General Staff, in which Himmler—also erroneously considered as one of the high-ranking military leaders—had issued an order to this effect. This document dealt with some conference or other of high-ranking police leaders under Himmler, in 1943, I believe.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: Am I right in saying that any attempt to disclose conditions prevalent in the concentration camps was impossible unless the person in question was ready to risk his life?

      MILCH: In the first place the large number of concentration camps was unknown to everybody, as it was unknown to me. Secondly, nobody knew what went on there. This knowledge was apparently confined to a very small circle of people who were in [on] the secret. Further, the SD was very much feared by the entire population, not only by the lower classes. If anybody tried to gain access to these secrets he did so at the peril of his life. And again, how could the Germans know anything about these things, since they never saw them or heard about them? Nothing was said about them in the German press, no announcements were made on the German radio, and those who listened to foreign broadcasts exposed themselves to the heaviest penalties, generally it meant death. You could never be alone. You could depend upon it that if you yourself contravened that law, others would overhear and then denounce you. I know that in Germany a large number of people were condemned to death for listening to foreign broadcasts.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: Did it ever come to your knowledge that there had been mass deportations of Jews to the Eastern territories? When did you first hear about it?

      MILCH: I cannot give the exact date. Once, in some way or other, I can no longer remember how, the information did reach me that Jews had been settled in special ghetto towns in the East. I think it must have been in 1944 or thereabout, but I cannot guarantee that this date is exact.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: You have just mentioned ghettos. Did you know that these mass deportations were, in effect, a preliminary step to mass extermination?

      MILCH: No, we were never told.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: May I ask you further if, in this connection, you had any idea about the existence of the Auschwitz extermination camp?

      MILCH: No. I first heard of the name much later. I read it in the press after I was captured.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: So-called Einsatzkommandos were employed in the East, where they carried out large-scale exterminations, also of Jews. Did you know that these Einsatzkommandos had been created by order of Adolf Hitler?

      MILCH: No. The first I heard of these Einsatzkommandos was here in prison in Nuremberg.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: Did you know that a special campaign was launched for the extermination of Jewish citizens in the southeastern provinces of the Reich, which, according to the statement of the leader concerned, named Eichmann, caused the death of from 4 to 5 million Jews?

      MILCH: No, I know nothing at all about it. This is the first time I have heard the name Eichmann mentioned.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: Am I correct in stating that in Germany, under the regime of an absolute leader, any opposition to a supreme order would most probably have meant death?

      MILCH: That has been proved in many hundreds of cases.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: Am I also correct in stating that the peril would have been equally deadly even if the order had been opposed on legal and moral grounds?

      MILCH: I believe that here, too, one would have had to be prepared to pay the penalty, and not only one’s own, but the family’s as well.

      DR. KAUFFMANN: Thank you. I have no more questions to ask.

      DR. WALTER SIEMERS (Counsel for Defendant Raeder): Witness, I have only a short question to ask you. You told us, on Saturday or on Friday, that in 1937 you had discussions with an English mission. This mission was headed by Air Vice Marshal Courtney. I should like to know from you if, in the course of these discussions, it was agreed that the competent German and British authorities should exchange information concerning the establishment plans for their respective Air Forces?

      MILCH: Your surmise is correct.

      DR. SIEMERS: How was the agreement made?

      MILCH: The agreement was drawn up in writing.

      DR. SIEMERS: Had the British and German Air Forces establishment plans for each year?

      MILCH: No. The plans covered several years.

      DR. SIEMERS: How many years ahead were covered by the 1937 plan?

      MILCH: I cannot tell you from memory. At that time it may possibly have covered 2 or 3 years.

      DR. SIEMERS: That would have been from 1938 till 1940?

      MILCH: Possibly 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940. I cannot say for certain. I have forgotten.

      DR. SIEMERS: Had this plan a technical name? Was it called “Establishment Plan,” or did it have some other name?

      MILCH: I cannot remember now. We generally referred to it as the projected establishment plan.

      DR. SIEMERS: On the English side, were the plans also drawn up to cover a definite period—say 3 years?

      MILCH: I believe the periods covered were very much the same. The system was more or less the same.

      DR. SIEMERS: I thank you very much.

      THE PRESIDENT: Does the Prosecution now wish to cross-examine? Mr. Justice Jackson, I am sorry to have called you up. Perhaps it would be convenient to adjourn for 10 minutes now.

      [A recess was taken.]

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Witness, you are a prisoner of war of the United States at the present time?

      MILCH: No, I am not a prisoner of war of the United States. I was an English prisoner of war, and since I have been here I have been declared an internee. I do not know what that means. At any rate, it is not correct to apply it to a prisoner-of-war officer taken by the enemy during action before the end of hostilities.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: You have been allowed to confer with counsel both while this Trial was in progress and . . .

      MILCH: I have been able to confer with some of the Counsel for the Defense, not with all of them. I assume that the other Defense Counsel did not desire it.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Now, you will save a great deal of time if you will answer my questions as briefly as possible and with “yes” or “no” where possible. You have been allowed to prepare, keep, and bring to the Court notes after your consultations with counsel?

      MILCH: The notes which I had with me were made by me before I conferred with defendants’ counsel.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: You have made none of the notes since your consultations with counsel?

      MILCH: I made one note for myself about one consultation. It was merely about a date which had been mentioned to me and which otherwise I could not have remembered.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And you occupied a very high position in the German Air Force?

      MILCH: I was Inspector General.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: You frequently attended conferences on behalf of Göring?

      MILCH: On behalf of Göring, very rarely.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: You deny that you attended conferences on behalf of Göring frequently?