Mrs. Oliphant

The Marriage of Elinor

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Elinor meant to give up reading, on the other hand, to make things square.”

      There was a little breath of a protest from Elinor. “Oh, mamma!” but she left the talk (he could do it so much better) in Compton’s hand.

      “I expect to figure as a sort of prodigy in my family,” he said; “we’re not bookish. The Jew goes in for French novels, but I don’t intend to let Nell touch them, so you may be easy in your mind.”

      “I have no doubt Lady Mariamne makes a good selection,” said Mrs. Dennistoun.

      “Not she! she reads whatever comes, and the more salt the better. The Jew is quite an emancipated per{vol. i_133}son. Don’t you think she’ll bore you rather in this little house? She carries bales of rubbish with her wherever she goes, and her maid, and her dog, and I don’t know what. If I were you I’d write, or better wire, and tell her there’s a capital train from Victoria will bring her here in time for the wedding, and that it’s a thousand pities she should disturb herself to come for the night.”

      “If your sister can put up with my small accommodation, I shall of course be happy to have her, whatever she brings with her,” Mrs. Dennistoun said.

      “Oh! it’s not a question of putting up—she’d be delighted, I’m sure: but I think you’ll find her a great bore. She is exceedingly fussy when she has not all her things about her. However, you must judge for yourself. But if you think better of it, wire a few words, and it’ll be all right. I’m to go to the old Rectory, Nell says.”

      “It is not a particularly old Rectory; it is a very nice, pleasant house. I think you will find yourself quite comfortable—you and the gentleman——”

      “Dick Bolsover, who is going to see me through it: and I daresay I should not sleep much, if I were in the most luxurious bed in the world. They say a man who is going to be hanged sleeps like a top, but I don’t think I shall; what do you say, Nell?”

      “Elinor, I should think, could have no opinion on the subject,” said Mrs. Dennistoun, pale with anger. “You will all dine here, of course. Some other friends{vol. i_134} are coming, and a cousin, Mr. Tatham, of Tatham’s Cross.”

      “Is that,” said Phil, “the Cousin John?”

      “John, I am sorry to say, is abroad; the long vacation is the worst time. It is his father who is coming, and his sister, Mary Tatham, who is Elinor’s bridesmaid—she and Miss Hudson at the Rectory.”

      “Only two; and very sensible, instead of the train one sees, all thinking how best to show themselves off. Dick Bolsover is man enough to tackle them both. He expects some fun, I can tell you. What is there to be after we are gone, Nell?” He stopped and looked round with a laugh. “Rather close quarters for a ball,” he said.

      “There will be no ball. You forget that when you take Elinor away I shall be alone. A solitary woman living in a cottage, as you remark, does not give balls. I am much afraid that there will be very little fun for your friend.”

      “Oh, he’ll amuse himself well enough; he’s the sort of fellow who always makes himself at home. A Rectory will be great fun for him; I don’t suppose he was ever in one before, unless perhaps when he was a boy at school. Yes, as you say—what a lot of trouble it will be for you to be sure: not as if Nell had a sister to enjoy the fun after. It’s a thousand pities you did not decide to bring her up to town, and get us shuffled off there. You might have got a little house for next to nothing at this time of the year, and saved all the{vol. i_135} row, turning everything upside down in this nice little place, and troubling yourself with visitors and so forth. But one always thinks of that sort of thing too late.”

      “I should not have adopted such an expedient in any case. Elinor must be married among her own people, wherever her lot may be cast afterwards. Everybody here has known her ever since she was born.”

      “Ah, that’s a thing ladies think of, I suppose,” said Compton. He had stuck his glass into his eye and was gazing out of the window. “Very jolly view,” he continued. “And what’s that, Nell, raising clouds of dust? I haven’t such quick eyes as you.”

      “I should think it must be a circus or a menagerie, or something, mamma.”

      “Very likely,” said Mrs. Dennistoun. “They sometimes come this way on the road to Portsmouth, and give little representations in all the villages, to the great excitement of the country folk.”

      “We are the country folk, and I feel quite excited,” said Phil, dropping his glass. “Nell, if there’s a representation, you and I will go to-night.”

      “Oh, Phil, what——” Elinor was about to say folly: but she paused, seeing a look in his eye which she had already learned to know, and added “fun,” in a voice which sounded almost like an echo of his own.

      “There is nothing like being out in the wilderness like this to make one relish a little fun, eh? I daresay you always go. The Jew is the one for every village fair within ten miles when she is in the country. She{vol. i_136} says they’re better than any play. Hallo! what is that?”

      “It is some one coming round the gravel path.” A more simple statement could not be, but it made Compton strangely uneasy. He rose up hastily from the table. “It is, perhaps, the man I am looking for. If you’ll permit me, I’ll go and see.”

      He went out of the room, calling Elinor by a look and slight movement of his head, but when he came out into the hall was met by a trim clerical figure and genial countenance, the benign yet self-assured looks of the Rector of the Parish: none other could this smiling yet important personage be.

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