Clothing, why do some articles feel cold, and others warm, 120
Clothing, are conductors or non-conductors the warmer, 121
Clothing, why are white and light-coloured articles cool, 218
Clothing, why are dark-coloured dresses worn in winter, and light in summer, 230
Clouds, what are they, 373
Clouds, why do we not see them ascend, 375
Clouds, why are they invisible when they rise, but become visible when they have ascended, 376
Clouds, why do they not descend to the earth, 377
Clouds, at what altitudes do they fly, 378
Clouds, how many descriptions are there, 379
Clouds, what produces their various shapes, 380
Clouds, what are their dimensions, 381
Clouds, how are they affected by winds, 382
Clouds, what do Cirrus foretell, 389
Clouds, what do Cumulus foretell, 390
Clouds, what do Stratus foretell, 391
Clouds, what do Nimbus foretell, 392
Clouds, what do Cirro-cumulus foretell, 393
Clouds, what do Cirro-stratus foretell, 394
Clouds, what do Cumulo-stratus foretell, 395
Clouds, why are cloudy days colder than sunny days, 396
Clouds, why are cloudy nights warmer than clear nights, 397
Cloudy days and nights, why are they not always wet, 432
Clouds, why are they white, 531
Clouds, why are they sometimes yellow, 533
Clouds, what develops the electricity in the, 581
Clouds, why do they sometimes move towards each other from opposite directions, 778
Clouds, why do they gather around mountain tops, 781
Cloves, where are they produced, 1231
Coal, what is it, 271
Coal, why do we know that it is of vegetable origin, 273
Coal, what are the chemical components of, 274
Coals, why do they produce yellow flame, 279
Cockles, why have they stiff muscular tongues, 1087
Cocoa, what is it, 1195
Cocoa, what tree produces it, 1221
Coffee-pot, why has it a wooden handle, 125
Coffee, what is it, 1193
Coffee, where is it cultivated, 1224
Cohesion, what is the attraction of, 776
Coke-fires, why do they not give flames, 107
Coke, what is it, 278
Cold, when is a body said to be, 78
Cold, what is the cause of the sensation, 133
Cold, does it radiate, 207
Colour, why is a substance white, 466
Colour, why is a substance black, 467
Colour, why is a rose red, 468
Colour, why is a lily white, 469
Colour, why is a primrose yellow, 470
Colour, why are there so many varieties of colour and tint in nature, 471
Colours, remarks upon, 501
Combustion, what takes place during, 48
Combustion, how many kinds are there, 93
Conductors of heat, what substances are good, 110
Conductors of heat, why do bad conductors readily ignite, 295
Combustion, what is spontaneous, 311
Combustibles used for lighting, which vitiates the air most, 62
Conduction of heat, what is the, 113
Convection, what is the chief effect of the law of, 243
Cork, what is it, 1271
Cork-tree, why does it shed its own bark, 1272
Corns, why when they ache may rain be expected, 1115
Corn, why does the young ear come up enfolded in two leaves, 1167
Cotton, what is it, 1199
Cough, why do we, 1023
Crickets, why do they make a chirping noise, 1123
Cross-bills, why do their mandibles overlap each other, 1136
Cup in a pie, why does it become filled with juice, 631
Cup in a pie, does it prevent the juice from boiling over, 662
Dates, what are they produced by, 1221
Death-watch, why does it make a ticking noise, 1301
Dew, what is it, 345
Dew, what causes the decline of temperature which produces it, 347
Dew, why is there little or none, when the nights are cloudy, 348
Dew, why does it form most abundantly on cloudless nights, 349
Dew, why is there little under the branches of thick foliage, 351