Lord Byron

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (With Byron's Biography)

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His side is hung a seal and sable scroll, Where blazoned glare names known to chivalry,bg And sundry signatures adorn the roll,bh Whereat the Urchin points and laughs with all his soul.bi



      And ever since that martial Synod met,

       Britannia sickens, Cintra! at thy name;


      So deemed the Childe, as o'er the mountains he

       Did take his way in solitary guise:

       Sweet was the scene, yet soon he thought to flee,




      O'er vales that teem with fruits, romantic hills,

       (Oh, that such hills upheld a freeborn race!)

       Whereon to gaze the eye with joyaunce fills,


      More bleak to view the hills at length recede,


      Where Lusitania and her Sister meet,




      Oh, lovely Spain! renowned, romantic Land!
