Charles Lamb

The Collected Works of Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb

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      Ah, where is now thy rolling head!

       Thy winking, reeling, drunken eyes, (As old Catullus would have said,) Thy oven-mouth, that swallow'd pies— Enormous hunger—monstrous drowth!— Thy pockets greedy as thy mouth!

      Ah, where thy ears, so often cuff'd!—

       Thy funny, flapping, filching hands!—

       Thy partridge body, always stuff'd

       With waifs, and strays, and contrabands!—

       Thy foot—like Berkeley's Foote—for why? 'Twas often made to wipe an eye! X

      Ah, where thy legs—that witty pair!

       For "great wits jump"—and so did they!

       Lord! how they leap'd in lamp-light air!

       Caper'd—and bounc'd—and strode away!—

       That years should tame the legs—alack!

       I've seen spring thro' an Almanack!

      But bounds will have their bound X—the shocks Of Time will cramp the nimblest toes: And those that frisk'd in silken clocks May look to limp in fleecy hose—

      And gout, that owns no odds between

       The toe of Czar and toe of Clown,

       Will visit—but I did not mean

       To moralize, though I am grown

       Thus sad.—Thy going seem'd to beat

       A muffled drum for Fun's retreat!

      Oh, how will thy departure cloud

       The lamp-light of the little breast!

       The Christmas child will grieve aloud

       To miss his broadest friend and best—

      For who like thee could ever stride!

       Some dozen paces to the mile!—

       The motley, medley coach provide— Or like Joe Frankenstein compile The vegetable man complete!— A proper Covent Garden feat!

      Or, who like thee could ever drink,

       Or eat—swill, swallow—bolt—and choke!

       Nod, weep, and hiccup—sneeze and wink?—

       Thy very yawn was quite a joke!

       Tho' Joseph, Junior, acts not ill,

       "There's no Fool like the old Fool" still!

      All that is descriptive here is excellent. It seems to us next in merit to some of Cibber's dramatic comic portraitures, Joe, the absolute Joe, lives again in every line. We have just set our mark X against two puns to exemplify our foregoing remarks. The first of them is a positive stop to the current of our joyous feelings. What possible analogy, or contrast even, can there be between a comic gesture of Grimaldi, and the serious misfortunes of the lady, except in verbal sound purely? The sound is good, because the humour lies in the pun, and moreover has reference to Milton's

      ——at one bound

       High over leaps all bounds.

      A pun is a humble companion to wit, but disdains to be a train-bearer merely. But these poems are rich in fancies, which, in truth, needed not such aid.


       Table of Contents
