
The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes

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the Poet, 125

      Presence of Mind, 90-95

      Prideaux—Life of Mahomet, 13

      Punctuality, 98

      Quartering upon the Enemy, 111

      Quick the Actor, 32

      Racine and his Family, 3

      Ragged Regiment, 118

      Rank and Ancestry, 95

      Reclaimed Robbers, 101

      Rejected Addresses, The, 125

      Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 5

      Richardson—opinion of a Picture, 5

      Rivardes and the Wooden Leg, 111

      Robbers, 100

      Robert, King of France, 114

      Ross, Lord, 124

      Sailors, 101-105

      Savage Dr., and the Pope, 132

      Savoie, Magdeline De, 110

      Schaumbourg, Count, 117

      Schools, 105

      Scott, Sir W.

      —Punctuality, 99 and the Beggar, 11 and the Inn-keeper, 109

      Scott, Mr., of Exeter, 98

      Selwyn, G., and the Traveller, 116

      Senesino and Farinelli, 30

      Sentinel on the Stage, 31

      Servants, 107

      Shaving a Queen, 27

      Sheridan, Dr., and the Scholar, 105

      Sheridan, 88, 132, 133

      Sidney, Sir Philip, 53

      Signboards, 109

      Sion College, and George III., 131

      Sir and Sire, 17

      Sisters of Charity, 129

      Smith, Sydney, Charity Sermon, 125

      Smiths, The Two, 126

      Soldiers, 109-112

      Sporting, 134

      Stackelberg, Baron Von, 54

      Steele and Addison, 124

      Sterne and the Old Woman, 134

      Strasburgh Lawyer, A, 68

      Suwarrow, Marshall, 110

      Swift, Dean, 10, 21, 22, 109, 131

      Talleyrand, Madame de, 16

      Tantara, and the Landscape, 9

      Temper, 113

      Tenterden, Lord, 74

      Thelwall and Erskine, 71

      "They're all Out", 87

      Thomson the Poet, and Quin, 15

      Thurot, Admiral, 79

      Time, Value of, 115

      Travelling, 116

      Turenne, Marshal, 112

      Turner, The Painter, 6

      Tyrolese Heroine, 136

      Van Dyke, 40

      Vendean Servant, 91

      Vernet—Picture of St. Jerome, 8

      Villars, Marshal, 110

      Villecerf, Madame de, 22

      Voisin, Chancellor of Louis XIX., 34

      Wager, Sir C., and the Doctors, 25

      War, 117-124

      Wardlaw, Archbishop of St. Andrew's, 49

      Weeping at a Play, 31

      Welch Dispute, A, 97

      West, the Painter, 7

      William III., and St. Evremond, 131

      Willie Law, 22

      Wise, Dr., and the Parliament, 131

      Ximenes, Cardinal, 123

      "Yellow Cabriolet," The, 28

      York, Duke of, and the Housekeeper, 108

      Zimmerman, 23

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      General St. Amour.—This officer, who distinguished himself in the Imperial service, was the son of a poor Piedmontese peasant, but he never forgot his humble extraction. While the army was in Piedmont, he invited his principal officers to an entertainment, when his father happened to arrive just as they were sitting down to table. This being announced to the general, he immediately rose, and stated to his guests his father's arrival. He said he knew the respect he owed to them, but at the same time he hoped they would excuse him if he withdrew, and dined with his father in another room. The guests begged that the father might be introduced, assuring him that they should be happy to see one so nearly related to him; but he replied, "Ah, no, gentlemen; my father would find himself so embarrassed in company so unsuited to his rank, that it would deprive us both of the only pleasure of the interview—the unrestrained intercourse of a parent and his son." He then retired, and passed the evening with his father.