T. F. Thiselton-Dyer British Popular Customs, Present and Past Скачать книгу Jan. 20. ] ST. AGNES’ EVE. SCOTLAND. Jan. 21. ] ST. AGNES’ DAY. Jan. 24. ] ST. PAUL’S EVE. Cornwall. Jan. 25. ] ST. PAUL’S DAY. St. Paul’s Cathedral. Jan. 31. ] EXECUTION OF CHARLES I. Jan. 31. ] Isle of Man. Nottinghamshire. Oxfordshire. Feb. 1. ] CANDLEMAS EVE. Nottinghamshire. Feb. 2. ] CANDLEMAS DAY. Dorsetshire. Yorkshire. SCOTLAND. Western Isles of Scotland. COLLOP MONDAY. Buckinghamshire. Cornwall. Devonshire. Feb. 3. ] ST. BLAIZE’S DAY. Candles offered to St. Blaze. SHROVE TUESDAY. Cock-Fighting. Throwing at Cocks. Shying at Leaden Cocks. Shy for Shy. Threshing the Hen Buckinghamshire. Cheshire. Cornwall. Cumberland. Derbyshire. Devonshire. Dorsetshire and Wiltshire. Hampshire. Hertfordshire. Huntingdonshire. Kent. Lancashire. Leicestershire. Isle of Man. Middlesex. Norfolk. Northamptonshire. Northumberland. Nottinghamshire. Oxfordshire. Islands of Scilly. Shropshire. Somersetshire. Staffordshire. Suffolk. Surrey. Isle of Wight. Yorkshire. WALES. SCOTLAND. Скачать книгу