T. F. Thiselton-Dyer British Popular Customs, Present and Past Скачать книгу IRELAND. Feb. 4. ] ASH WEDNESDAY. Essex. Norfolk. SCAMBLING DAYS. Feb. 5. ] Gloucestershire. Yorkshire. Feb. 8. ] CHALK SUNDAY. IRELAND. Feb. 10. ] ST. SCHOLASTICA’S DAY. Oxfordshire. Feb. 13. ] ST. VALENTINE’S EVE. Derbyshire. Devonshire. Norfolk. Feb. 14. ] ST. VALENTINE’S DAY. Cambridgeshire. Derbyshire. Herefordshire. Kent. Norfolk. Northamptonshire. Nottinghamshire. Oxfordshire. Yorkshire. March. 1. ] ST. DAVID’S DAY. Middlesex. Oxfordshire. WALES. March 1. ] SIMNEL SUNDAY. Mothering Sunday. Lancashire. Staffordshire. FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH. Berkshire and Hampshire. FRIDAY IN LIDE. Cornwall. March 3. ] SCOTLAND. March 5. ] ST. PIRAN’S DAY. Cornwall. March 8. ] CARE SUNDAY. Cambridgeshire. Yorkshire. March 10. ] Oxfordshire. March 11. ] Nottinghamshire. March 12. ] ST. GREGORY’S DAY. IRELAND. March 14. ] PALM SATURDAY. SCOTLAND. March 15. ] PALM SUNDAY. Cornwall. Derbyshire. Herefordshire. Hertfordshire. Lincolnshire. Northamptonshire. Oxfordshire. Скачать книгу