Various The Universal Reciter Скачать книгу 177 Mills of God, The 55 Miser's Fate, The 16 Miss Maloney on the Chinese Question 119 Murdered Traveller, The 70 My Mother's Bible 138 My Friend's Secret 156 One Hoss Shay, The 46 Only Sixteen 143 On to Freedom 68 On the Shores of Tennessee 159 Owl, The 245 Pat and the Fox 22 Pat-ent Gun 229 Patrick's Colt 34 Paul Revere's Ride 200 Pauper's Death Bed 193 Pledge with Wine 250 Polish Boy, The 237 Preaching to the Poor 192 Rain Drops, The 172 Red Chignon 180 Sambo's Dilemma 20 San Francisco Auctioneer 227 Satan's Address to the Sun 32 Scolding Old Dame 174 Shamus O'Brien 214 She would be a Mason 18 Snyder's Nose 13 Socrates Snooks 198 That Hired Girl 241 There's Скачать книгу В начало<12345678>В конец