
The Ladies Book of Useful Information

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directions here given.

      Chapter three is a special chapter for young women, on a special subject, and contains advice which every young lady should study.

      It teaches them: What marriage is, and explains how highly injurious it is to entertain low ideas regarding it;

      How a young lady should act in the presence of young men;

      What a girl should do when a prospect of marriage occurs.

      It tells some of the most prolific sources of matrimonial difficulties, and how to remedy them;

      What ladies should do who desire that their husbands should be amiable and kind;

      What attentions are due to you as a lady.

      Cautions against the failing of young ladies making themselves too cheap.

      Tells what “woman” is formed to be.

      Warns against indiscretions before marriage, and teaches that under all circumstance a lady will be looked to to resist any advances, and maintain her purity and virtue.

      Tells what is the nature, naturally, of young women;

      How a young woman should act when receiving the attentions of a young man;

      How you will know when the young man whom you should marry presents himself to you;

      What a man needs a wife for, and how to qualify yourself for the position;

      About misunderstandings in early married life;

      How a young mother feels towards her first-born.

      Tells the good influence of virtuous love;

      What young people should know before they become engaged.

      Chapter four teaches about Love and Marriage; the attraction of the sexes for each other; what love is; what causes it; individual loves; fondness for cousins; different kinds of love; flirtation; the object of marriage; should marriage be for life.

      Chapter five: When to Marry—How to Select a Partner on Right Principles.

      Treats of the proper age to marry; which marriages are the most happy; which are the most productive of handsome children; how nature assists art in the choice of partners; the attributes of a handsome couple, etc.

      Chapter six: Sexual Intercourse—Its Laws and Conditions—Its Use and Abuse.

      There is an alarming and increasing prevalence of nervous ailments and complicated disorders that could be traced to have their sole origin in the ignorance, which is so universal, of the laws of these organs.

      This chapter teaches all about sexual morality; how men and women should live; the law from the age of puberty to marriage; the law of marriage; what a man who truly loves a woman will do; a true union; how women are protected; the false and the true sense of duty; what is the most powerful restraint from evil.

      The above is discussed in a chaste, simple, manner, and should be read by every lady. There is nothing impure in this book from beginning to end, but subjects in which women are woefully ignorant are discussed in a plain, moral manner to which no objection can be raised.

      Chapter seven: Marriage.

      What marriage is; how far back the marriage tie has existed; polygamy, what it is; monogamy, what it is; polyandry, and what it is; marriage customs; the basis of a happy marriage, etc.

      Chapter eight: Pregnancy—Labor—Parturition.

      Perhaps there is no more eventful period in the history of woman than that in which she first becomes conscious that the existence of another being is dependent upon her own, and that she carries about with her the first tiny rudiments of an immortal soul.

      This chapter explains all the signs of pregnancy; the changes that take place in the face and neck; the suppression of the monthly flow; changes in the breast, etc.

      Then it gives a sure test for the detection of pregnancy. It tells how a pregnant woman should live during the period of gestation.

      Childbirth is not necessarily either painful or dangerous. It can be accomplished easily and safely and with comparatively no pain by following the directions given in “The Ladies' Book of Useful Information.”

      Numerous instances are known where ladies who had previously suffered with severe labor in childbirth have, by attending to the directions here given, been delivered of fine, healthy children with comparative ease.

      No mother who has attended to the teaching here given but has blessed the knowledge of it, and it has saved many a young mother much needless terror.

      It tells all about the ailments that almost always torment women during the trying time of pregnancy, making life itself seem a burden.

      These troubles are: Morning Sickness, Toothache, Palpitation of the Heart, etc. It shows that there is no necessity for women suffering as they almost invariably do during this time; but that these troubles may be overcome by simple, safe remedies which are described in this book, and which may be safely taken by the patient.

      It tells all about the medicine which is taken by the Indian women of North America during the period of gestation. It is well known that the women of these tribes suffer very little during childbirth, and it is almost all due to the effects of this wonderful medicine.

      The recipe for this medicine, “Parturient Balm,” was obtained from an Indian doctor, and is given in this book, together with instructions as to how it is to be taken.

      This chapter alone is worth the price of the book to any lady. Every mother, and everyone who ever expects to become a mother, should carefully study the above chapter, as it may be the means of saving her much pain and suffering.

      The same chapter explains all about a case of labor; the signs that show when labor has commenced; what to give to help the patient; the different kinds of pains; the length of time between the pains; the length of time the pains should last, etc.; the taking of the child from the mother; how to care for the child; the taking away of the afterbirth; what to do in case of flooding; how to relieve afterpains, etc.

      It also explains what “Abortion” is; what causes abortion; what causes premature labor; the difference between the two; symptoms of threatened abortion, and how to prevent the same if possible; what to do for miscarriage, and to try and prevent it, etc.

      The ninth chapter teaches all about: Menstruation—Change of Life—Falling of the Womb, etc. Tells the time of life at which the menses should appear.

      Every mother should watch her young daughter as she nears this critical time. The health for many years to come depends to a great extent on how a girl passes this period. This chapter tells all the symptoms of the near approach of the monthly flow. It shows a mother how to care for her daughter, and to see that she has proper attention during this time.

      It tells the age at which the periodical flow should commence; the symptoms of its approach; how a girl should be treated at this time; how to cure Chlorosis, or Green Sickness; how to relieve and cure painful and suppressed menstruation, etc.

      If the instructions of this book are followed in cases like the above, it will save many young girls much needless suffering.

      This chapter also treats on: Whites, or Flour Albus, and Falling of the Womb.

      Many delicate women suffer great agony through these two distressing complaints. This chapter describes all the symptoms of these complaints, and gives simple, safe remedies for them. A lady can easily attend to herself and avoid exposure.

      It also treats on Change of Life.

      By the phrase “Change of Life,” or “The Critical Period,” we understand the final cessation or stoppage of the menses. This chapter explains all about this trying time, the symptoms of its appearance, and the ages at which it usually occurs.

      With proper care this period