James Joyce

JAMES JOYCE: Ulysses, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Dubliners, Chamber Music & Exiles

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The day of your first communion was the happiest day of your life. And once a lot of generals had asked Napoleon what was the happiest day of his life. They thought he would say the day he won some great battle or the day he was made an emperor. But he said:

      — Gentlemen, the happiest day of my life was the day on which I made my first holy communion.

      Father Arnall came in and the Latin lesson began and he remained still, leaning on the desk with his arms folded. Father Arnall gave out the themebooks and he said that they were scandalous and that they were all to be written out again with the corrections at once. But the worst of all was Fleming’s theme because the pages were stuck together by a blot: and Father Arnall held it up by a corner and said it was an insult to any master to send him up such a theme. Then he asked Jack Lawton to decline the noun mare and Jack Lawton stopped at the ablative singular and could not go on with the plural.

      — You should be ashamed of yourself, said Father Arnall sternly. You, the leader of the class!

      Then he asked the next boy and the next and the next. Nobody knew. Father Arnall became very quiet, more and more quiet as each boy tried to answer it and could not. But his face was blacklooking and his eyes were staring though his voice was so quiet. Then he asked Fleming and Fleming said that that word had no plural. Father Arnall suddenly shut the book and shouted at him:

      — Kneel out there in the middle of the class. You are one of the idlest boys I ever met. Copy out your themes again the rest of you.

      Fleming moved heavily out of his place and knelt between the two last benches. The other boys bent over their themebooks and began to write. A silence filled the classroom and Stephen, glancing timidly at Father Arnall’s dark face, saw that it was a little red from the wax he was in.

      Was that a sin for Father Arnall to be in a wax or was he allowed to get into a wax when the boys were idle because that made them study better or was he only letting on to be in a wax? It was because he was allowed, because a priest would know what a sin was and would not do it. But if he did it one time by mistake what would he do to go to confession? Perhaps he would go to confession to the minister. And if the minister did it he would go to the rector: and the rector to the provincial: and the provincial to the general of the jesuits. That was called the order: and he had heard his father say that they were all clever men. They could all have become highup people in the world if they had not become jesuits. And he wondered what Father Arnall and Paddy Barrett would have become and what Mr McGlade and Mr Gleeson would have become if they had not become jesuits. It was hard to think what because you would have to think of them in a different way with different coloured coats and trousers and with beards and moustaches and different kinds of hats.

      The door opened quietly and closed. A quick whisper ran through the class: the prefect of studies. There was an instant of dead silence and then the loud crack of a pandybat on the last desk. Stephen’s heart leapt up in fear.

      — Any boys want flogging here, Father Arnall? cried the prefect of studies. Any lazy idle loafers that want flogging in this class?

      He came to the middle of the class and saw Fleming on his knees.

      — Hoho! he cried. Who is this boy? Why is he on his knees? What is your name, boy?

      — Fleming, sir.

      — Hoho, Fleming! An idler of course. I can see it in your eye. Why is he on his knees, Father Arnall?

      — He wrote a bad Latin theme, Father Arnall said, and he missed all the questions in grammar.

      — Of course he did! cried the prefect of studies, of course he did! A born idler! I can see it in the corner of his eye.

      He banged his pandybat down on the desk and cried:

      — Up, Fleming! Up, my boy!

      Fleming stood up slowly.

      — Hold out! cried the prefect of studies.

      Fleming held out his hand. The pandybat came down on it with a loud smacking sound: one, two, three, four, five, six.

      — Other hand!

      The pandybat came down again in six loud quick smacks.

      — Kneel down! cried the prefect of studies.

      Fleming knelt down, squeezing his hands under his armpits, his face contorted with pain, but Stephen knew how hard his hands were because Fleming was always rubbing rosin into them. But perhaps he was in great pain for the noise of the pandies was terrible. Stephen’s heart was beating and fluttering.

      — At your work, all of you! shouted the prefect of studies. We want no lazy idle loafers here, lazy idle little schemers. At your work, I tell you. Father Dolan will be in to see you every day. Father Dolan will be in tomorrow.

      He poked one of the boys in the side with his pandybat, saying:

      — You, boy! When will Father Dolan be in again?

      — Tomorrow, sir, said Tom Furlong’s voice.

      — Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, said the prefect of studies. Make up your minds for that. Every day Father Dolan. Write away. You, boy, who are you?

      Stephen’s heart jumped suddenly.

      — Dedalus, sir.

      — Why are you not writing like the others?

      — I… my…

      He could not speak with fright.

      — Why is he not writing, Father Arnall?

      — He broke his glasses, said Father Arnall, and I exempted him from work.

      — Broke? What is this I hear? What is this your name is? said the prefect of studies.

      — Dedalus, sir.

      — Out here, Dedalus. Lazy little schemer. I see schemer in your face. Where did you break your glasses?

      Stephen stumbled into the middle of the class, blinded by fear and haste.

      — Where did you break your glasses? repeated the prefect of studies.

      — The cinderpath, sir.

      — Hoho! The cinderpath! cried the prefect of studies. I know that trick.

      Stephen lifted his eyes in wonder and saw for a moment Father Dolan’s whitegrey not young face, his baldy whitegrey head with fluff at the sides of it, the steel rims of his spectacles and his nocoloured eyes looking through the glasses. Why did he say he knew that trick?

      — Lazy idle little loafer! cried the prefect of studies. Broke my glasses! An old schoolboy trick! Out with your hand this moment!

      Stephen closed his eyes and held out in the air his trembling hand with the palm upwards. He felt the prefect of studies touch it for a moment at the fingers to straighten it and then the swish of the sleeve of the soutane as the pandybat was lifted to strike. A hot burning stinging tingling blow like the loud crack of a broken stick made his trembling hand crumple together like a leaf in the fire: and at the sound and the pain scalding tears were driven into his eyes. His whole body was shaking with fright, his arm was shaking and his crumpled burning livid hand shook like a loose leaf in the air. A cry sprang to his lips, a prayer to be let off. But though the tears scalded his eyes and his limbs quivered with pain and fright he held back the hot tears and the cry that scalded his throat.

      — Other hand! shouted the prefect of studies.

      Stephen drew back his maimed and quivering right arm and held out his left hand. The soutane sleeve swished again as the pandybat was lifted and a loud crashing sound and a fierce maddening tingling burning pain made his hand shrink together with the palms and fingers in a livid quivering mass. The scalding water burst forth from his eyes and, burning with shame and agony and fear, he drew back his shaking arm in terror and burst out into a whine of pain. His body shook with a palsy of fright and in shame and rage he felt the scalding cry come from his throat and the scalding tears falling out of his eyes and down his flaming cheeks.
