Susan Coolidge

The Collected Works of Susan Coolidge: 7 Novels, 35+ Short Stories, Essays & Poems (Illustrated)

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and put them in the box every night.”

      “Yes,” added Elsie, “so will I, when she gets well.”

      It never occurred to either of them that perhaps Aunt Izzie might not get well. Little people are apt to feel as if grown folks are so strong and so big, that nothing can possibly happen to them.

      Katy was more anxious. Still she did not fairly realize the danger. So it came like a sudden and violent shock to her, when, one morning on waking up, she found old Mary crying quietly beside the bed, with her apron at her eyes. Aunt Izzie had died in the night!

      All their kind, penitent thoughts of her; their resolutions to please – their plans for obeying her wishes and saving her trouble, were too late! For the first time, the three girls, sobbing in each other’s arms, realized what a good friend Aunt Izzie had been to them. Her worrying ways were all forgotten now. They could only remember the many kind things she had done for them since they were little children. How they wished that they had never teased her, never said sharp words about her to each other! But it was no use to wish.

      “What shall we do without Aunt Izzie?” thought Katy, as she cried herself to sleep that night. And the question came into her mind again and again, after the funeral was over and the little ones had come back from Mrs. Hall’s, and things began to go on in their usual manner.

      For several days she saw almost nothing of her father. Clover reported that he looked very tired, and scarcely said a word.

      “Did Papa eat any dinner?” asked Katy, one afternoon.

      “Not much. He said he wasn’t hungry. And Mrs. Jackson’s boy came for him before we were through.”

      “Oh, dear!” sighed Katy, “I do hope he isn’t going to be sick. How it rains! Clovy, I wish you’d run down and get out his slippers and put them by the fire to warm. Oh, and ask Debby to make some cream-toast for tea! Papa likes cream-toast.”

      After tea, Dr. Carr came up stairs to sit a while in Katy’s room. He often did so, but this was the first time since Aunt Izzie’s death.

      Katy studied his face anxiously. It seemed to her that it had grown older of late, and there was a sad look upon it, which made her heart ache. She longed to do something for him, but all she could do was to poke the fire bright, and then to possess herself of his hand, and stroke it gently with both hers. It wasn’t much, to be sure, but I think Papa liked it.

      “What have you been about all day?” he asked.

      “Oh, nothing much,” said Katy. “I studied my French lesson this morning. And after school, Elsie and John brought in their patchwork and we had a ‘Bee.’ That’s all.”

      “I’ve been thinking how we are to manage about the housekeeping,” said Dr. Carr. “Of course we shall have to get somebody to come and take charge. But it isn’t easy to find just the right person. Mrs. Hall knows of a woman who might do, but she is out West, just now, and it will be a week or two before we can hear from her. Do you think you can get on as you are for a few days?”

      “Oh, Papa!” cried Katy, in dismay, “must we have anybody?”

      “Why, how did you suppose we were going to arrange it? Clover is much too young for a housekeeper. And beside, she is at school all day.”

      “I don’t know – I hadn’t thought about it,” said Katy, in a perplexed tone.

      But she did think about it – all that evening, and the first thing when she awoke in the morning.

      “Papa,” she said, the next time she got him to herself, “I’ve been thinking over what you were saying last night, about getting somebody to keep the house, you know. And I wish you wouldn’t. I wish you would let me try. Really and truly, I think I could manage.”

      “But how?” asked Dr. Carr, much surprised. “I really don’t see. If you were well and strong, perhaps – but even then you would be pretty young for such a charge, Katy.”

      “I shall be fourteen in two weeks,” said Katy, drawing herself up in her chair as straight as she could. “And if I were well, Papa, I should be going to school, you know, and then of course I couldn’t. No, I’ll tell you my plan. I’ve been thinking about it all day. Debby and Bridget have been with us so long, that they know all Aunt Izzie’s ways, and they’re such good women, that all they want is just to be told a little now and then. Now, why couldn’t they come up to me when anything is wanted – just as well as to have me go down to them? Clover and old Mary will keep watch, you know, and see if anything is wrong. And you wouldn’t mind if things were a little crooked just at first, would you? because, you know, I should be learning all the time. Do let me try! It will be real nice to have something to think about as I sit up here alone, so much better than having a stranger in the house who doesn’t know the children or anything. I’m sure it will make me happier. Please say ‘Yes,’ Papa, please do!”

      “It’s too much for you, a great deal too much,” replied Dr. Carr. But it was not easy to resist Katy’s “Please! Please!” and after a while it ended with –

      “Well, darling, you may try, though I am doubtful as to the result of the experiment. I will tell Mrs. Hall to put off writing to Wisconsin for a month, and we will see.

      “Poor child, anything to take her thoughts off herself!” he muttered, as he walked down stairs. “She’ll be glad enough to give the thing up by the end of a month.”

      But Papa was mistaken. At the end of a month Katy was eager to go on. So he said, “Very well – she might try it till Spring.”

      It was not such hard work as it sounds. Katy had plenty of quiet thinking-time for one thing. The children were at school all day, and few visitors came to interrupt her, so she could plan out her hours and keep to the plans. That is a great help to a housekeeper.

      Then Aunt Izzie’s regular, punctual ways were so well understood by the servants, that the house seemed almost to keep itself. As Katy had said, all Debby and Bridget needed was a little “telling” now and then.

      As soon as breakfast was over, and the dishes were washed and put away, Debby would tie on a clean apron, and come up stairs for orders. At first Katy thought this great fun. But after ordering dinner a good many times, it began to grow tiresome. She never saw the dishes after they were cooked; and, being inexperienced, it seemed impossible to think of things enough to make a variety.

      “Let me see – there is roast beef – leg of mutton – boiled chicken,” she would say, counting on her fingers, “roast beef – leg of mutton – boiled chicken. Debby, you might roast the chickens. Dear! – I wish somebody would invent a new animal! Where all the things to eat are gone to, I can’t imagine!”

      Then Katy would send for every recipe-book in the house, and pore over them by the hour, till her appetite was as completely gone as if she had swallowed twenty dinners. Poor Debby learned to dread these books. She would stand by the door with her pleasant red face drawn up into a pucker, while Katy read aloud some impossible-sounding rule.

      “This looks as if it were delicious, Debby, I wish you’d try it: Take a gallon of oysters, a pint of beef stock, sixteen soda crackers, the juice of two lemons, four cloves, a glass of white wine, a sprig of marjoram, a sprig of thyme, a sprig of bay, a sliced shalott –”

      “Please, Miss Katy, what’s them?”

      “Oh, don’t you know, Debby? It must be something quite common, for it’s in almost all the recipes.”

      “No, Miss Katy, I never heard tell of it before. Miss Carr never gave me no shell-outs at all at all!”

      “Dear me, how provoking!” Katy would cry, flapping over the leaves of her book; “then we must try something else.”

      Poor Debby! If she hadn’t loved Katy so dearly, I think her patience must have given way. But she bore her trials meekly, except for an occasional grumble when alone with Bridget. Dr. Carr had to eat a great many queer