Lord Byron

Manfred (With Byron's Biography)

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of thousands shall perish;40

       The living shall fly from

       The sick they should cherish;

       But nothing can vanquish

       The touch that they die from.

       Sorrow and anguish,

       And evil and dread,

       Envelope a nation;

       The blest are the dead,

       Who see not the sight

       Of their own desolation;50

       This work of a night—

       This wreck of a realm—this deed of my doing—

       For ages I've done, and shall still be renewing!

      Enter the Second and Third Destinies.

      The Three.

      Our hands contain the hearts of men,

       Our footsteps are their graves;

       We only give to take again

       The Spirits of our slaves!

      First Des. Welcome!—Where's Nemesis?

      Second Des. At some great work; But what I know not, for my hands were full.

      Third Des. Behold she cometh.

      Enter Nemesis.

      First Des. Say, where hast thou been?60 My Sisters and thyself are slow to-night.

      Nem. I was detained repairing shattered thrones— Marrying fools, restoring dynasties— Avenging men upon their enemies, And making them repent their own revenge; Goading the wise to madness; from the dull Shaping out oracles to rule the world Afresh—for they were waxing out of date, And mortals dared to ponder for themselves, To weigh kings in the balance—and to speak70 Of Freedom, the forbidden fruit.—Away! We have outstayed the hour—mount we our clouds! Exeunt.

      Hymn of the Spirits.

      Hail to our Master!—Prince of Earth and Air!

       Who walks the clouds and waters—in his hand

       The sceptre of the Elements, which tear

       Themselves to chaos at his high command!

       He breatheth—and a tempest shakes the sea;

       He speaketh—and the clouds reply in thunder;

       He gazeth—from his glance the sunbeams flee;

       He moveth—Earthquakes rend the world asunder.

       Beneath his footsteps the Volcanoes rise;

       His shadow is the Pestilence: his path10

      Enter the Destinies and Nemesis.

      First Des. Glory to Arimanes! on the earth His power increaseth—both my sisters did His bidding, nor did I neglect my duty!

      Second Des. Glory to Arimanes! we who bow20 The necks of men, bow down before his throne!

      Third Des. Glory to Arimanes! we await His nod!

      Nem. Sovereign of Sovereigns! we are thine, And all that liveth, more or less, is ours, And most things wholly so; still to increase Our power, increasing thine, demands our care, And we are vigilant. Thy late commands Have been fulfilled to the utmost.

      Enter Manfred.

      A Spirit. What is here? A mortal!—Thou most rash and fatal wretch, Bow down and worship!

      Second Spirit. I do know the man—30 A Magian of great power, and fearful skill!

      Third Spirit. Bow down and worship, slave!—What, know'st thou not Thine and our Sovereign?—Tremble, and obey!

      All the Spirits. Prostrate thyself, and thy condemnéd clay, Child of the Earth! or dread the worst.

      Man. I know it; And yet ye see I kneel not.

      Fourth Spirit. 'Twill be taught thee.

      Man. 'Tis taught already;—many a night on the earth, On the bare ground, have I bowed down my face, And strewed my head with ashes; I have known The fulness of humiliation—for40 I sunk before my vain despair, and knelt To my own desolation.

      Fifth Spirit. Dost thou dare Refuse to Arimanes on his throne What the whole earth accords, beholding not The terror of his Glory?—Crouch! I say.

      Man. Bid him bow down to that which is above him, The overruling Infinite—the Maker Who made him not for worship—let him kneel, And we will kneel together.

      The Spirits. Crush the worm! Tear him in pieces!—

      Nem. What doth he here then?

      First Des. Let him answer that.

      Man. Ye know what I have known; and without power I could not be amongst ye: but there are Powers deeper still beyond—I come in quest Of such, to answer unto what I seek.

      Nem. What would'st thou?

      Man. Thou canst not reply to me. Call up the dead—my question is for them.

      Nem. Great Arimanes, doth thy will avouch80 The wishes of this mortal?

      Ari. Yea.

      Nem. Whom wouldst thou Uncharnel?


      Shadow! or Spirit!

       Whatever thou art,