John Skelton


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you oonly, me thynke, I durste shryue me

      For now am I plenarely dysposed

      To shewe you thynges that may not be disclosed.


      Than I assured hym my fydelyte,

      Yf he coude fynde in herte to truste me; 220

      Els I prayed hym, with all my besy cure,

      To kepe it hymselfe, for than he myghte be sure

      Whyles of his mynde it were lockte with the keye.

      By God, quod he, this and thus it is;

      And of his mynde he shewed me all and some.

      Farewell, quod he, we wyll talke more of this:

      Soo he departed there he wolde be come.

      I dare not speke, I promysed to be dome:

      But, as I stode musynge in my mynde, 230

      Vpon his breste he bare a versynge boxe;

      His throte was clere, and lustely coude fayne;

      And euer he sange, Sythe I am no thynge playne.

      To kepe him frome pykynge it was a grete payne:

      He gased on me with his gotyshe berde;

      Syr, God you saue! why loke ye so sadde?

      What thynge is that I maye do for you? 240

      A wonder thynge that ye waxe not madde!

      For, and I studye sholde as ye doo nowe,

      My wytte wolde waste, I make God auowe.

      Tell me your mynde: me thynke, ye make a verse;

      But to the poynte shortely to procede,

      Where hathe your dwellynge ben, er ye cam here?

      For, as I trowe, I haue sene you indede

      Er this, whan that ye made me royall chere.

      Holde vp the helme, loke vp, and lete God stere: 250

      I wolde be mery, what wynde that euer blowe,

      Heue and how rombelow, row the bote, Norman, rowe!

      Or shall I sayle wyth you a felashyp assaye;

      Wolde to God, it wolde please you some daye

      A balade boke before me for to laye,

      And lerne me to synge, Re, my, fa, sol!

      And, whan I fayle, bobbe me on the noll.

      Loo, what is to you a pleasure grete, 260

      To haue that connynge and wayes that ye haue!

      By Goddis soule, I wonder how ye gete

      Syr, pardone me, I am an homely knaue,

      To be with you thus perte and thus bolde;

      But ye be welcome to our housholde.

      And, I dare saye, there is no man here inne

      But wolde be glad of your company:

      I wyste neuer man that so soone coude wynne

      The fauoure that ye haue with my lady; 270

      I praye to God that it maye neuer dy:

      It is your fortune for to haue that grace;

      As I be saued, it is a wonder case.

      For, as for me, I serued here many a daye,

      And yet vnneth I can haue my lyuynge:

      But I requyre you no worde that I saye;

      For, and I knowe ony erthly thynge

      That is agayne you, ye shall haue wetynge:

      And ye be welcome, syr, so God me saue:

      I hope here after a frende of you to haue. 280


      Wyth that, as he departed soo fro me,

      Anone ther mette with him, as me thoughte,

      A man, but wonderly besene was he;

      With indygnacyon lyned was his hode;

      He frowned, as he wolde swere by Cockes blode;

      His face was belymmed, as byes had him stounge:

      It was no tyme with him to jape nor toye; 290

      Enuye hathe wasted his lyuer and his lounge,

      Hatred by the herte so had hym wrounge,

      That he loked pale as asshes to my syghte:

      And I drewe nere to harke what they two sayde.

      Now, quod Dysdayne, as I shall saued be,

      I haue grete scorne, and am ryghte euyll apayed.

      Than quod Heruy, why arte thou so dysmayde?

      By Cryste, quod he, for it is shame to saye; 300

      To see Johan Dawes, that came but yester daye,

      How he is now taken in conceyte,

      This doctour Dawcocke, Drede, I wene, he hyghte: