John Skelton


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xl. li.

      (i.e. in reward out of moneys forfeited by John Crawford and another upon bail-bond.)

vj. s. viij. d.
(Easter Term, 1–2 Henry viii.) “Cristofero Garneys vni generosorum hostiariorum regis [one of the king’s gentlemen-ushers] de annuitate sua durante regis beneplacito per annum x. li.
xx. li.
c. s.
xxx. li.

      “Holde me excused, for why my will is good,

      Men to induce vnto vertue and goodnes;

      I write no ieste ne tale of Robin Hood,

      Nor sowe no sparkles ne sede of viciousnes;

      Wise men loue vertue, wilde people wantonnes;

      It longeth not to my science nor cunning,

      a sneer to which Skelton most probably alludes, when, enumerating his own productions in the Garlande of Laurell, he mentions,

      “Of Phillip Sparow the lamentable fate,