Severin Corti

The Wiener Schnitzel Love Book!

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       Thou shalt have no other schnitzel before me.

      This particularly includes any unbreaded schnitzels

      and schnitzels that are coated in something other

      than breadcrumbs.


       Thou shalt also honour the pork schnitzel.

      Yes, a true Wiener Schnitzel is made of veal.

      But the pork version is also worthy of respect.


       Thou shalt keep the day of the schnitzel holy.

      Schnitzel day is Sunday. But it can also be said that

      schnitzel turns every day into a Sunday.


       Thou shalt not kill for a schnitzel.

      Who knows how often schnitzel is served in prison?


       Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

      Restaurants which display pictures of schnitzels in

      their menus should be treated with caution.


       Thou shalt eat a potato salad to accompany thy schnitzel.

      This is simply the best match. Only children

      are permitted chips, although everyone

      may partake if the schnitzel is served at a buffet

      at an open-air swimming pool.


       Thou shalt add no sauce to thy schnitzel.

      Yes, that means no ketchup either.

      Only lemon and cranberry are allowed.


       Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s schnitzel.

      Unless you are married to him or her.


       Thou shalt not eat only veal or pork schnitzel.

      Gordon Bleu is also a tasty option.


       Thou shalt not leave thy schnitzel behind.

      When you have reached your limit,

      have it wrapped up in foil.

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