Of another Magician whom the Earth swallowed up.
How another Magician is Sunken up to the Ears, and again is Raised up.
How a huge Stone was raised by the Saint.
How the Women were raised from Death.
Two Women who were pregnant are with their Infants rescued from Death unto Life.
How he builded a Church of Clay alone.
Of the two Rivers, Dubh and Drobhaois.
Of the Voice that issued from the Sepulchre.
Of his Journey, and of his manifold Miracles.
The Prophecy of the Saint Concerning Dublinia; and the Sick Man cured.
A Fountain is produced out of the Earth.
Of the Sentence pronounced on Murinus.
Foylge is punished with a double Death, and the deceiving Fiend is driven out of his body.
Of the Saint's Prophecy concerning the Kings of Momonia.
How Dercardius and his Companions were destroyed.
Of the Quarrel of the Two Brothers.
Fourteen Thousand Men are miraculously refreshed with the Meat of Five Animals.
Nineteen Men are raised by Saint Patrick from the Dead.
The King's Daughter becomes a Nun.
The King Echu is raised from Death.
A Man of Gigantic Stature is revived from Death.
Of Another Man who was Buried and Raised Again.
Of the Boy who was torn in pieces by Swine and restored unto Life.
The Prayers of the Saint confer Beauty on an Ugly Man.
The Stature of the same Man is increased unto a sufficient Height.
Of Saint Olcanus, the Teacher and Bishop, raised out of the Earth.