Annie Heloise Abel

The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War

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in virtue of his being chief in command, was the person mainly responsible for it. In October of the preceding year, McCulloch had favored using the Indians against Kansas [Official Records, vol. iii, 719, 721]. Cooper objected strongly to their being kept "at home" [ibid., 614] and one of the leading chiefs insisted that they did not intend to use the scalping knife [ibid., 625].


      Official Records, vol. viii, 292.

      —Ibid., vol. xiii, 819.


      at the Battle of Pea Ridge had become known, in putting itself on record as standing opposed to the sort of thing that had occurred,

      Official Records, vol. xiii, 826.

      By vote of the committee, General Curtis had been instructed to furnish information on the subject of the employment of Indians by the Confederates [Journal, 92].


      The completeness of Curtis's victory, the loss to the Southerners, by death or capture, of some of their best-loved and ablest commanders, McCulloch, McIntosh, Hébert, and the nature of the country through which the Federals pursued their fleeing forces, to say nothing of the miscellaneous and badly-trained character of

      Official Records, vol. xiii, 486.

      The same charge was made against the Indians who fought at Wilson's Creek [Leavenworth Daily Conservative, August 24, 1861].

      Roman, Military Operations of General Beauregard, vol. i, 240.

      Official Records, vol. viii, 796.