href="#ulink_4defb10d-f0c2-58f4-b3e4-2f2b5910229d">Figure 1.7 The concept of cloud, edge, and FC.
It can provide a better quality of services, low latency, security, privacy protection, location awareness, reliability, etc. Hence, it can be efficiently employed in real-time applications than CC.
Disadvantages of FC
A major drawback of FC is the huge data dimensions it needs to handle with millions of devices.
It requires a large investment and consequently a large infrastructure to accommodate such volume of data and devices for reliability.
For large sensor data, it is difficult to use the cloud for transmission. Hence, it is essential to move to Fog architecture. Further, the data transmission between the sensors and the cloud or vice versa requires a large bandwidth that makes the CC inefficient. Thus, in the future, it is advisable to replace the CC with FC in the application such as a smart grid, low energy consumption, smart transportation system, smart traffic, management systems, agriculture, and health care system. IoT in Telecommuting
In IoT software domain initiatives, it is possible to implement teleconference or telepresence applications efficiently. It can provide job satisfaction and protect the living being from the effect of greenhouse gas by limiting their traveling. Ultimately, the profit margin of an organization improves as telecommuting reduces the office overhead costs by minimizing office space, lighting, heating, etc. Evidence shows an average annual energy savings of 23 KWh per square foot amounting to 70% of total energy consumed due to air conditioning, heat, and lighting in a U.S. office building [24]. Similar expenditures can be curbed by integrating telecommuting with consulting, hoteling, field service, and sales. The framework of integrating telecommuting to IoT application domain must take care of the following few issues.
The energy consumption
Identification of the key energy indices for efficient utilization of different network elements
Device and network optimization for carrier telecommunication
Effective management of the link between the environment and the network technology.
We need to segregate individuals or groups who can work remotely with efficiency and benefit the organization as a whole.
We need to define the responsibilities, accountability, and expectation standard clearly.
Describe clear rules and regulations for employees selected for telecommuting.
Due weightage needs to be given to the career goal of the telecommuting employees.
Move to cloud as an when required for assistance IoT in Data-Center
Data Centers are the biggest consumer of energy and hence required to be energy efficient. These data centers require a context-aware sensing mechanism to implement selective sensing for minimizing power consumption. An effective energy management architecture can supply power uninterrupted to the dedicated sensor and switches off the idle controllers/sensors/actuators as and when required [25]. Effective data center functioning needs to tackle the following issues.
A meticulous distribution and evaluation of workload to the dedicated servers.
Identification and cutting-off of power supply to the ideal servers and redistribution of the workforce and load.
Maximizing the application of renewable energy sources.
Efficient and economical use of power and depleted resources. Virtualization-Based IoT (VBIoT)
The VBIoT application aims to reduce the number of hardware resources, hence it consumes less energy. It is a virtual or software-based process to represent things, such as networks, virtual applications, servers, storage, etc. It can reduce IT expenses, boosts flexibility, efficiency, scalability, and agility for many businesses. A saving of 36% energy consumption in IoT devices has been reported by using the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) in the VBIoT with four-layer architecture [25]. The benefits of VBIoT are:
It allows managing of data or information with ease and efficiency.
The continuity and growth in industries can be achieved.
It is possible to access a true software-oriented data center.
The resources and applications are made available as and when desired.
Helps to increase responsiveness, production, efficiency, and agility.
There is a considerable decline in operating costs and investment in capital.
The downtime can be minimized or ideally eliminated.
It optimizes resource allocation by providing better workload distribution, performance enhancement, and automated operations.
VBIoT emphasizes on encapsulation, isolation, partitioning, and hardware independence, thus makes the domain effective. It can be included in many levels of IoT framework such as a server, desktop, network, etc. towards creating a smart world environment.
1.4 Green Computing (GC) in IoT Framework
The benefits and limitations of the GC have been shown in Figure 1.8.
The IoT application to Green Computing (IoTGC) aims to achieve a greener and eco friendly world. The objective is to design, develop, operate, maintain, and control the energy-efficient IoT systems that are economically viable, user friendly, and eco-sustainable.
Figure 1.8 The benefits and limitations of the IoTGC.
Nevertheless, the challenges are many due to a change in global climate, depleted resources, energy crises, environmental issues, etc. [1]. Further, the hardware system must be easily disposable/recyclable and must comprise of handheld and large-scale data centers.
1.5 Semantic IoT (SIoT)
The reflection of heterogeneity on these raw data for meaningful interpretation and detection of events in real-world environments makes the IoT platform more complex. The total number of IoT domains included in 2016 is approximately 450 with an exponential rise in new IoT platforms each year [26]. By the year 2020, the number of IoT devices may reach around 50 billion with numerous heterogeneous services and applications [2]. In this accord, the SIoT concerns to a worldwide network of interconnected devices, things, heterogeneous objects, and services which can be uniquely addressable and accessible using some sort of standard communication protocols.
The steps involved in managing heterogeneous data sources for making SIoT effective are based on SEG 3.0 methodology as shown in Figure 1.9. It supports the SI from the data generation to the end-users.
Due to the involvement of a huge number of things and the services in the future IoT, it remains a challenge to represent, interconnect, store, search, address, and organize relevant information available from different IoT sources. Thus, the involvement of semantics in IoT remains crucial to provide adequate modeling, reach desired solutions for things description, and reason over IoT generated data. With an increase in demand for applications and services using semantic sensor web, the research community, and software developers are designing advanced system architecture to automatically transform data from sensors to semantic expression. The use of data somatization facilitated